

Image for Stephanie Leonard

Not your grandma’s school library

Bike libraries are a hot topic in the bike world. Libraries are popping up at recreation centers, city buildings and community hubs. But what about at elementary schools? Buena Vista’s bike library Bicycle Colorado’s education team worked with the town of Buena Vista to develop a bike library at Avery Parsons Elementary School. The…

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Image for Madeline Kreider Carlson

Healthy communities, healthy bodies: member spotlight on Dave Lawful

It all began at a city council meeting in 2014. “I stood up and said, ‘I want to call your attention to something. I’m a bike commuter, but there just aren’t enough bikeways for me to get to where I need to go. Does Lone Tree have a plan for making improvements?”…

Image for post Healthy communities, healthy bodies: member spotlight on Dave Lawful
Image for Piep van Heuven

Bike advocacy, demystified

ad·vo·cate: n. a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc. (usually followed by of): an advocate of peace What’s a bike advocate? Since I have a job in bike advocacy, I get asked this question often. Usually it sounds like this: “But, what do you DO? How do you convince…

Image for post Bike advocacy, demystified
Image for Justin Millar

Steady progress on Longmont flood repairs

As the calendar approaches the three-year anniversary of the worst flash flood event in Longmont’s history, the city continues to repair and improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure that was either damaged or destroyed. It’s a long process, to be sure. Some of the final projects are scheduled to be completed in late 2017,…

Image for post Steady progress on Longmont flood repairs
Image for Katie Bonomo

Bike innovations: 5 ideas from around the country

We focus a lot on Colorado in this blog (for obvious reasons), but today is different. I regularly read about ways communities are getting more people riding and improving safety for bicyclists, and recently I’ve come across some ideas worth sharing. They’re not all new, but some of them are new to the U.S. Washington, DC:…

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Image for Amy Morfas

Rollout of new protected bike lane big success

Denver’s first two-way protected bike lane was unveiled on Monday, August 15 and we—and plenty of others!—were on hand to celebrate. The City and County of Denver installed the lane, which runs along South Broadway between Bayaud and Virginia Avenues. Monday evening, hundreds of cyclists gathered at Illegal Pete’s on Broadway to…

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Image for Madeline Kreider Carlson

Behind the scenes in Bike Town USA: member spotlight on Routt County Riders

Through hard work and collaboration between volunteers and local businesses, our fellow advocacy organization Routt County Riders has helped build an amazing trail network and thriving bike culture in Steamboat Springs—also known as Bike Town, USA—and the surrounding area. I talked with four tireless advocates who help lead Routt County Riders: Alan…

Image for post Behind the scenes in Bike Town USA: member spotlight on Routt County Riders
Image for Ted Heyd

Bike sharing takes many forms in Colorado

Getting Coloradans and visitors to our state on bikes more often is one of the things we strive for here at Bicycle Colorado. Getting more bikes “into the system” via bicycle sharing is one of the ways to do that. So it’s exciting to see bike sharing evolve in Colorado. Where it all…

Image for post Bike sharing takes many forms in Colorado
Image for Rachel Hultin

Gunnison: Base Camp of the Rockies gears up for bike lanes

The City of Gunnison emits a siren call for folks who love the Colorado lifestyle. Look up “Things to do in Gunnison” on Trip Advisor and you’ll find that nine of the top ten are outdoor sports activities. Despite this, it’s a town that can be difficult to navigate by bike or on foot.…

Image for post Gunnison: Base Camp of the Rockies gears up for bike lanes
Image for Stephanie Leonard

61 new members of the bike community (and counting!)

When we launched our Bike School in April with Learn to Ride classes, we weren’t quite sure what the response would be. Now midway through the season, I receive inquiries from people interested in registering nearly daily. What’s the most exciting part? No two students are the same! Women, men and children of all ages and cultures…

Image for post 61 new members of the bike community (and counting!)
Image for Madeline Kreider Carlson

Transportation experimentation: Member spotlight on Philip Ogren

Meet one of our brand new members, bikes-for-transportation advocate Philip Ogren. “My family recently decided to go car-free and use our electric bikes, bikes and public transit only,” Philip told me when we met on Bike to Work Day. I wanted to learn more. A conversion story Philip first heard about electric…

Image for post Transportation experimentation: Member spotlight on Philip Ogren
Image for Justin Millar

Longmont underpass projects under construction now

As a resident of southwest Longmont, I’m excited to see construction beginning on two underpasses that aim to increase safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. Today, crossing at both Hover Street and SH 119 (Ken Pratt Boulevard) and Dry Creek Drive and Hover Street is a multi-step process involving up to nine lanes of traffic (depending on which direction…

Image for post Longmont underpass projects under construction now
Image for Piep van Heuven

Sneak Peek: Mountain bike park opening this month at Ruby Hill

Denver Parks and Recreation is about to unveil one of the largest public mountain bike parks in North America, and it’s a gem! I set out last Monday with a few others for a “sneak peak” just a few weeks prior to the opening and was wowed by the scale of the park (and…

Image for post Sneak Peek: Mountain bike park opening this month at Ruby Hill
Image for Katie Bonomo

From the plains to the peaks

Last week I had the opportunity to check out a section of the Peaks to Plains Trail, a ‘16 in 2016′ trail, with Project Manager Scot Grossman. The 4-mile section that we toured straddles the border of Jefferson and Clear Creek Counties and is set to open in mid-July. The ultimate vision for…

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Image for Amy Morfas

Cruising through Colorado Bike Month

Colorado Bike Month is in full swing! It’s just over one week into Bike Month and we’re excited to be involved in so many great activities that are going on. As you are probably aware, Colorado celebrates bike month in June (instead of May like most of the country) to hopefully have…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Win a Tempo eBike!

Thanks to all who supported Bicycle Colorado in the Tempo eBike Raffle! Raffle ticket sales are now closed. All proceeds from the raffle benefit Bicycle Colorado, accelerating our work to make Colorado the most bike-friendly state in the nation. And the winner of the raffle is… Lori Gerzina! Congratulations, Lori! May your new eBike…

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Image for Rachel Hultin

CDOT: Making strides across the state

As the Active Transportation Manager at Bicycle Colorado, I’ve come across a number of projects that have me excited for the future of active transportation in Colorado. The staff and leadership at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is working to adapt designs and practices to embrace 21st century transportation which prioritizes moving people…

Image for post CDOT: Making strides across the state
Image for Madeline Kreider Carlson

¡Viva la Ciclovía!

I love cities, travel and bikes. What could be better than exploring a new, exciting urban space from the saddle of a bike? [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] Last week I got to…

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Image for Ted Heyd

A snout full of fresh air

Do you like dogs and bikes? If so, read on. If not…read on… It was about 10 years ago in the Mission District in San Francisco. A great place to take in street theater. I was walking to dinner with a friend, and two blocks up I spotted an old-school motorcycle approaching…

Image for post A snout full of fresh air
Image for Rachel Hultin

Volunteers on bikes + books + kids = best bike experience EVER!

I have a lot of great memories from riding a bike. The entire summer of 1978 when I wrapped a plastic jump rope around the handlebars of my blue Schwinn and pretended I was riding my faithful horse ‘Old Blue’. The first time I rode my bike to the park without an…

Image for post Volunteers on bikes + books + kids = best bike experience EVER!
Image for Stephanie Leonard

Pedals and pancakes

Buena Vista sure knows how to celebrate Bike to School Day! This past Wednesday, while the sun was rising and there was a chill in the air, groups of students and community members gathered across town on bikes. Bicycle Colorado’s education team joined one of Avery Parsons Elementary’s three bike trains (groups of kids…

Image for post Pedals and pancakes
Image for Bicycle Colorado

Saving the best for last

Last Saturday was my best day of work ever. I have been at Bicycle Colorado doing work I love for more than seven years, so that says a lot. Saturday was exceptional because my two greatest passions—working with people from different cultures and teaching adults how to ride—collided in one inspiring afternoon. The…

Image for post Saving the best for last
Image for Justin Millar

Belt driven

Recently, I was in the market for a new bike. I wanted something for around town that would be good for trips in the two- to eight-mile range that I typically ride. Ideally, I wanted a bike that I could simply grab and go without much worry but that would still be…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Piep van Heuven welcomed as Denver Director

We are excited to announce that Piep van Heuven will be joining Bicycle Colorado as Denver Director beginning in May. Piep has worked in Denver with a number of bicycling organizations and on key biking issues. She brings extensive experience and numerous positive relationships to help advance bicycling in Denver and throughout…

Image for post Piep van Heuven welcomed as Denver Director
Image for Katie Bonomo

Bikes on the other side of the world

At the Colorado Bicycle Summit back in February, Mikael Colville-Andersen spoke about striving for the point where bikes are like vacuum cleaners—most everyone has one, most everyone uses theirs and we don’t really feel the need to talk about them because they’re so ubiquitous. I recently took a trip to Cambodia, and I was reminded of…

Image for post Bikes on the other side of the world
Image for Ted Heyd

A nice place to be…on a bike!

Like most of you (I’d guess), my family and I love to travel.  You see new places, meet new people and stoke up on new adventures. One of the things I enjoy is the chance to check out transportation facilities in other communities, especially the walking and biking kind, and see how the locals…

Image for post A nice place to be…on a bike!
Image for Madeline Kreider Carlson

‘A lifestyle I truly believe in’: member spotlight on Katie Macarelli

This month our spotlight is on multitalented member Katie Macarelli: commuter, mom, cyclocross racer, Colorado native, Feedback Sports marketing whiz and former Bicycle Colorado educator extraordinaire. Getting hooked on riding (and becoming a cyclocross cowgirl) [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=””…

Image for post ‘A lifestyle I truly believe in’: member spotlight on Katie Macarelli
Image for Amy Morfas

Inspiration found at the National Bike Summit

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] I had the privilege of attending the National Bike Summit again in early March. The summit is organized and hosted by the League of American Bicyclists in our…

Image for post Inspiration found at the National Bike Summit
Image for Bicycle Colorado

Mixing it up with dogs and bikes

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”] Many readers have experienced my family’s love of all things bicycling: riding for transportation, long road rides, racing, amazing mountain biking and more. We also enjoy involving our two canine…

Image for post Mixing it up with dogs and bikes
Bicycle Colorado

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The Latest News

  • Share and tag your bicycle images
  • Bicycle Colorado has been proud to offer a variety of bike clinics this season to give riders new skills and confidence. Thanks to Nicole from the Amy D. Foundation for leading the Women’s Gravel Clinic.
  • After multiple attempts since 2018, on the final day of the session, the Colorado Legislature passed SB24-065, also known as the distracted driving bill.
  • Mark your calendars … @VeloSwap is back! #VeloSwap Tickets and booth space are now available for the November 2nd event. Link in bio. #BikeExpo #Denver