Our kids were very excited to be a part of the [safe routes to school] program! To see the expressions on their faces when they were able to ride the bikes that are now part of our school was priceless.
Scott Crites
P.E. teacher, Avery-Parsons Elementary
Parent Resources
There is no healthier or more fun way to commute to school than by foot or wheels, but many parents are concerned about safety. Before heading off to school, take a look at the questions and resources below.
When can my child ride in the street?
Some sources say that at the age of 10, kids can cognitively handle navigating the streets. We highly recommend that you spend quality time riding with your kids in the road — obeying all signs and signals, riding on the right, pointing out infrastructure and talking about being visible and predicatble — before letting them ride alone. Also, explore routes together and find the best and safest way to get places like school and nearby parks.