

Image for Bicycle Colorado

Have you ‘Fired Up Your Feet’ yet?

On Oct. 1, the Colorado Fire Up Your Feet program kicked off a month-long activity-tracking competition for schools using an online tool. If you have a K-8 student in your family (or you’re a teacher or PTA member), help register your school and challenge your children to be active and raise money…

Image for post Have you ‘Fired Up Your Feet’ yet?
Image for Bicycle Colorado

USA Pro Challenge founders honored

USA Pro Challenge founders Richard and Rick Schaden were honored last week by the Colorado Tourism Board with the Board Chairman’s Award for their work in bringing high-profile professional bike racing back to Colorado. They’re pictured here with Pro Challenge CEO Shawn Hunter.

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Tour of the Moon donation supports better bicycling

We were so pleased to accept an $11,000 donation from Icon LASIK Tour of the Moon organizers on Oct. 5. The ride is a 2013 Bicycle Colorado event member, and the gift represents a per-rider donation from the event plus additional donations made by participants. We thank Scot and his staff for…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

NEAT trail in north Evergreen to be dedicated on 10/9

On Oct. 9, students who walk and ride bikes to school in Evergreen will join Jefferson County commissioners and school district staff, neighborhood groups and businesses to celebrate the completion of the North Evergreen Activities Trail. The trail connects homes with neighborhood schools to make biking and walking safer for children. Before…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Tour of the Moon rides on, despite federal shutdown

Our friends at Tour of the Moon announced that the ride will go on this Sat., Oct. 5 regardless of the federal government shutdown, which has closed all national parks and monuments. The ride’s course travels through the Colorado National Monument. Organizers have worked on an alternative course just in case the…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Bike commuting on the rise in Colorado

According to data released from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey in September, bike commuting is on the rise in Colorado. Colorado had the third-highest percentage of population that commutes by bike in 2012, behind Oregon and Montana. Bicycle commuting in Colorado grew by 14 percent from 2011 to 2012, and…

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Image for BC Volunteer

Pro Challenge showcases Colorado at its finest

Bicycle Colorado team members met with a slate of state representatives and senators at last week’s USA Pro Challenge: House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, Rep. Joann Ginal, Rep. Millie Hamner, Rep. Bob Rankin, Sen. John Kefalas, Sen. Andy Kerr, Sen. Randy Baumgardner and Sen. Gail Schwartz. We also connected with other VIPs like…

Image for post Pro Challenge showcases Colorado at its finest
Image for Bicycle Colorado

W line bike path breaks barriers for active transportation

In April, the FasTracks W line opened to great fanfare, connecting Union Station in downtown Denver to the Jefferson County Government Center with 12.1 miles of light rail tracks. But did you know that a bike path runs next to parts of the tracks? “For years, rail systems have said no to…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Bikes featured high in Colorado Health Agenda

Gov. John Hickenlooper recently unveiled the state’s plan to become the healthiest state in the nation. The Colorado Health Agenda includes bicycling goals. By 2015, the governor said, Colorado’s rank among states for active support of bicycling will move from second to first place. Our state has climbed from 22nd and is…

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Bicycle Colorado Gala 2013 a big success

The 2013 Bicycle Colorado Gala was another success! More than 300 people attended, donating $51,000 to help improve conditions for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. Thank you to all our generous sponsors and donors of auction items. See the Gala photo gallery on Facebook

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Bicycle Colorado awarded $30k New Belgium Grant

  New Belgium Brewing is famous for being born on a bike ride and being a very bicycle-friendly company. But did you know that the company also sets aside $1 from each barrel of beer they brew to donate to bicycle causes? Bicycle Colorado received a $30,000 New Belgium Brewing Grant Award,…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado recognized at National Bike Summit

At the National Bike Summit on March 5, Bicycle Colorado received the National Bicycle Leadership Award from the League of American Bicyclists for our work helping to open streets to bicycling in Black Hawk. Scott Christopher, Amy Morfas and Dan Grunig are leading a delegation of Colorado bicycling advocates at this week’s…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Colorado Bicycle Summit 2013 delivers with record numbers

Nearly 250 people attended this year’s Colorado Bicycle Summit on Feb. 11-12, making it the third sell-out in a row. The larger venue allowed for more networking and bigger breakout sessions. The Colorado cycling community was well represented at the Capitol, meeting with representatives to show their support for bicycling. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes”…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Colo. Supreme Court reopens Black Hawk roads to bikes

The Colorado Supreme Court on Feb. 4 handed cyclists in Colorado a huge victory when it overturned the Black Hawk bike ban with no judges dissenting. It ruled that the city’s ordinance affects both local and state concerns, and therefore is covered by state law. “The Supreme Court has affirmed the ‘share…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Adams 12 adds bike fleet for Safe Routes education

The Adams 12 school district recently invested in a fleet of 12 bicycles to help physical education teachers teach students how to ride bikes and bike safety. On Jan. 23, Bicycle Colorado’s Safe Routes to School team met with about 15 district PE teachers to refresh their training. “Teachers in Adams 12…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Grunig promoting state and local bicycling

Dan Grunig, Bicycle Colorado executive director, has been appointed to the Colorado Tourism Board by Gov. John Hickenlooper. He’ll serve on the board, which helps promote and develop travel and tourism in Colorado (link: www.Colorado.com) through the Colorado Tourism Office. Bicycling is an important part of Colorado’s tourism offerings and Dan is…

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Image for BC Volunteer

Colorado Supreme Court hears bike ban case

The Colorado Supreme Court held a hearing on Nov. 8, 2012 for oral arguments related to the city of Black Hawk’s ban on bicycle riding. Lawyers for both sides received 30 minutes to present reasons in support of their respective positions. Attorney Paul Schwartz from Shoemaker Ghiselli + Schwartz presented on behalf…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado hosts Congressman Blumenauer

Bicycle Colorado recently hosted Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer here in Colorado with the help of a number of prominent representatives of the bicycle industry and community. The group shared Colorado success stories that illustrate the benefits of funding bicycle infrastructure for him to take back to Washington, DC. Following a bike tour…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Colorado State Patrol releases 3-Feet to Pass video

The Colorado State Patrol recently developed a public service announcement on Colorado’s 3 Feet to Pass law with assistance from Bicycle Colorado. We encourage you to watch this video and share it with friends and neighbors. It’s a clear demonstration of how to safely pass bicyclists according to our state’s 3 Feet…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Governor signs House Bill 1084 into law

Following a long journey through four committees and full house and senate votes, Governor John Hickenlooper held a signing ceremony for HB 1084 at the State Capitol in front of many bill sponsors and supporters. The bill, known as the End the Hit and Run Loophole bill, increases the possible penalties for…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Colorado climbs to 4th in bicycle-friendly rankings

Colorado is praised for its “national model” bike laws by the League of American Bicyclists. In the newly released bicycle-friendly state rankings, Colorado rose to #4, up from #12 last year. “Colorado exemplifies many of the qualities the League looks for in a bicycle friendly state, including a bicycle commuter mode share…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

What we accomplished in 2012

Bicycle Colorado encourages and promotes bicycling, increases safety, improves conditions and provides a voice for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. Here’s a snapshot of our accomplishments in 2012 toward our mission. Advocacy Colorado rose to No. 4 on the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle-Friendly States list, and remained at the top…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Your support in 2012 puts us miles ahead

It’s easy to declare that Bicycle Colorado wants our state to be known for its amazing views and scenery, and as a place where you can ride a bike anywhere you want to go and be treated with respect. It’s another thing to achieve this lofty goal. It takes vision. It takes…

Image for post Your support in 2012 puts us miles ahead
Image for Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado rides with state road designers

At a Bicycle Facility and Design class at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) last week, Bicycle Colorado helped lead six bike rides for road engineers and planners from across the state to let them experience the difference of riding in various situations: bike paths, lanes, shoulders and no shoulders. CDOT is…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Opening Brief Filed on Behalf of Cyclists

In December, the Colorado Supreme Court announced that it would consider the arguments raised by parties regarding the Black Hawk bike ban. The date of the hearing has not yet been set, but an opening brief was filed with the court on behalf of the three ticketed cyclists. The brief details the…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

CDOT Bike/Ped Design Guide Finalized

Bicycle Colorado is excited to announce that the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has officially adopted the chapter on bicycle and pedestrian facility design in its Roadway Design Guide. The chapter provides guidelines on how to accommodate bicyclists on state roadways and is also a great resource for local bicycle advocates and…

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Colorado Supreme Court to Hear Bike Ban Case

The Colorado Supreme Court announced that it has agreed to consider the arguments raised by parties regarding the Black Hawk bike ban. According to the Colorado Supreme Court website, the Court grants a hearing on an average of one out of fourteen certiorari petitions. The date of the hearing has not yet…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado leads industry tour of bike shops

Colorado and the Denver/Boulder region were the third stop for the Bicycle Retailer & Industry News (BRAIN) national dealer tour in 2011. Bicycle Colorado led the tour to highlight the important connection between bicycle industry manufacturers, bike shops and bicycle advocacy. Working together, we can create more places to safely ride and…

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Black Hawk bike ban appeal to supreme court

The Black Hawk bike ban case has been presented to the Colorado Supreme Court for consideration by the justices to hear the case following a district court ruling against the three cyclists originally ticketed for riding their bicycles through the town. The Colorado Supreme Court requires that all cases be presented for…

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Bicycle Colorado

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  • Nov 18, 2024
  • by Bicycle Colorado
Announcing Our New Logo

  • Share and tag your bicycle images
  • Bicycle Colorado has been proud to offer a variety of bike clinics this season to give riders new skills and confidence. Thanks to Nicole from the Amy D. Foundation for leading the Women’s Gravel Clinic.
  • After multiple attempts since 2018, on the final day of the session, the Colorado Legislature passed SB24-065, also known as the distracted driving bill.
  • Mark your calendars … @VeloSwap is back! #VeloSwap Tickets and booth space are now available for the November 2nd event. Link in bio. #BikeExpo #Denver