
The urgency to pass laws that prioritize the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians has never been greater. Bicyclist and pedestrian deaths continue to increase in Colorado and are at an all-time high. While people inside vehicles are dying at lower rates in traffic crashes, roads are becoming less safe for pedestrians and bicyclists. Among total traffic deaths, the percentage of people who died while walking and riding bikes (versus driving or riding in a vehicle) has grown from 11% in 2002 to 21% in 2023.

Starting on January 6 and continuing through May 7, our elected state representatives debate and vote on legislation that impacts the lives of Coloradans. Bicycle Colorado has been and will continue to be the voice for bicyclists at our state Capitol, advocating for laws that prioritize the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians.

Throughout the year, our members and partners play a vital role in shaping our advocacy efforts by sharing ideas for new legislation. Using our Policy Principles as a guide, we prioritize these ideas and discuss introducing bills with legislators. No matter the cause, every advocate must find legislators to champion their bills, which is no easy task, especially given legislators are limited to introducing five bills in a session.

As we step into the 2025 session, our team is fully engaged on the bills found in our Action Center Current Legislation.

Line graph showing increasing pedestrian fatalities (71 in 2002 and 133 in 2023) and bicyclist fatalities (9 in 2002 and 20 in 2023)

While safety improves for people inside vehicles, roads are becoming less safe for people biking and walking.

How can you support our policy and advocacy work?

  1. Stay Informed. Read this update to understand the bills we are supporting or opposing and the impact these will have on Colorado if passed. Also, stay current on our legislative work by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and signing up for our free email newsletter.
  2. Take Action. Your voice truly matters, and we may need your voice to help pass a bill. If you’re open to writing to elected officials, sign up for Action Alerts.

Upcoming Advocacy Events

The 74th General Assembly, which adjourned on May 8, considered 778 bills, the third-highest number of bills over the past ten years. It was one for the record books! Bicycle Colorado supported six bills, four of which were high-priority, and we closely monitored five bills. We opposed no bills this legislative session.

We are excited to report that five of the six bills we supported passed, and four of the five we monitored passed.

2024 Policy Positions

Bills We Supported & Monitored

SB24-065: Mobile Electronic Devices and Motor Vehicle Driving | PASSED

SB24-065: Mobile Electronic Devices and Motor Vehicle Driving

Sponsors: Sen. Hansen, Sen. Fields, Rep. Ortiz, Rep. Froelich

Position: Active Support

Status: Passed
Senate: 28 (Y), 7 (N)
House: 57 (Y), 6 (N), 2 (Other)

What it will do:
Help reduce distracted driving by prohibiting hand-held mobile electronic devices starting on Jan 1, 2025.

HB24-1021: Motor Vehicle Minor Driver Education Standards | SIGNED

HB24-1021: Motor Vehicle Minor Driver Education Standards

Sponsors: Sen. Winter, Sen. Priola, Rep. Lindsay

Position: Actively Support

Status: Passed
Senate: 22 (Y), 11 (N), 2 (Other)
House: 43 (Y), 19 (N), 3 (Other)

What it will do:
Improve driver education for teens. Minors 18 years of age or younger must:

  • Complete a 30-hour driver education course, which may include an online course;
  • Receive a minimum of six hours of behind-the-wheel driving training with a driving instructor or at least 12 hours of training from a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult.
SB24-036: Vulnerable Road User Protection Enterprise | FAILED

SB24-036: Vulnerable Road User Protection Enterprise

Sponsors: Sen. Winter, Sen. Cutter, Rep. Lindsay, Rep. Linsdtedt

Position: Actively Support

Status: Failed
Opposition to creating a new fee.

What it will do:
This bill would have generated $18 million annually from an annual fee based on vehicle size and weight. Participation was limited to the twelve most populous counties and counties that wanted to opt in.

SB24-195: Vulnerable Road Users | PASSED

SB24-195: Vulnerable Road Users

Sponsors: Sen. Winter, Sen. Cutter, Rep. Lindsay, Rep. Linsdtedt

Position: Actively Support

Status: Passed
Senate: 22 (Y), 13 (N)
House: 45 (Y), 17 (N), 3 (Other)

What it will do:
Generate a minimum of $7M annually for bike and pedestrian infrastructure and require CDOT to establish policies prioritizing traffic safety over vehicle speed.

SB24-230: Oil & Gas Production Fees | PASSED

SB24-230: Oil & Gas Production Fees

Sponsors: Sen. Hansen, Sen. Fields, Rep. Ortiz, Rep. Froelich

Position: Support

Status: Passed
Senate: 21 (Y), 12 (N), 2 (O)
House: 40 (Y), 18 (N), 7 (O)

What it will do:
Establish a new oil and gas production fee, directing funds to increase transit service. The fee is anticipated to result in more than $100 million a year in funding for transit service across the state, with a majority being directed to RTD in the Denver region.

HB24-1447: Transit Reform | FAILED

HB24-1447: Transit Reform

Sponsors: Rep. Lindstedt, Rep. Froelich, Sen. Winter

Position: Support

Status: Failed
Opposition from legislator in the RTD service zone effectively turned this bill into a study of how to increase RTD ridership. Nonetheless, the bill did not make it out of Senate committees in the final days of the session.

What it will do:
The bill would have overhauled the Regional Transportation District (RTD).  Among other provisions, the bill, as introduced, would have made changes to RTD’s board structure, elections, and appointment authority.

HB24-032: Methods to Increase Transit | PASSED

HB24-032: Methods to Increase Transit

Sponsors: Sen. Priola, Sen. F. Winter, Rep. Vigil, Rep. Marvin

Position: Monitor

Status: Passed
Senate: 34 (Y), 0 (N)
House: 44 (Y), 17 (N) 4 (Other)

What it will do:
Makes permanent a set of grant programs that allow transit agencies to offer free transit during ozone season and provide free transit for youth year-round. It allocates $7 million annually for ozone season transit and $7 million annually for free fares for youth. The bill also establishes a committee to develop a proposal for a statewide transit pass that can work across transit agencies in the state.

HB24-1012: Front Range Passenger Rail District Efficiency | SIGNED

HB24-1012: Front Range Passenger Rail District Efficiency

Sponsors: Rep. Mauro, Rep. A. Boesenecker, Sen. R. Zenzinger, Sen. C. Simpson

Position: Support

Status: Signed by Governor
Senate: 27 (Y), 8 (N)
House: 55 (Y), 8 (N), 2 (Other)

What it will do:
Aims to improve the efficiency of the Front Range Passenger Rail District.

HB24-1313: Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities | PASSED

HB24-1313: Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities

Sponsors: Rep. Woodrow, Rep. Jodah, Sen. Hanson, Sen. Winter

Position: Support

Status: Passed
Senate: 19 (Y), 15 (N), 1 (Other)
House: 40 (Y), 24 (N), 1 (Other)

What it will do:

  • Seeks to increase the affordability of housing in transit-oriented communities (TOCs). 
  • Creates an infrastructure fund grant program to assist local governments in upgrading infrastructure within transit centers and neighborhood centers. 
  • TOCs are required to demonstrate that it has met its housing opportunity goal by submitting a housing opportunity goal report to the Department of Local Affairs.
HB24-1152: Accessory Dwelling Units | PASSED

HB24-1152: Accessory Dwelling Units

Sponsors:  Rep. Amabile, Rep. Weinberg, Sen. K. Mullica, Sen. T. Exum

Position: Monitor

Status: Passed
Senate: 25 (Y), 15 (N)
House: 47 (Y), 17 (N), 1 (Other)

What it will do:
Requires certain local governments to allow accessory dwelling units and creates programs in the Department of Local Affairs to encourage the construction, conversation, and use of ADUs.

HB24-1304: Minimum Parking Requirements | PASSED

HB24-1304: Minimum Parking Requirements

Sponsors:  Rep. Vigil, Rep. Woodrow, Sen. Priola, Sen. Hinrichsen

Position: Monitor

Status: Passed
Senate: 19 (Y), 15 (N), 1 (Other)
House: 40 (Y), 22 (N), 3 (Other)

What it will do:
The final bill eliminates parking minimums for multifamily residential, residential adaptive reuse projects, and mixed-use projects with at least 50% residential, within a quarter mile of rail and bus stations that have 30-minute or more frequent service. There is a project-specific opt-out mechanism if local governments can demonstrate a significant need. DOLA will also develop best practices to help right-size parking.

The 2023 legislative session in Colorado adjourned on May 8

During the 2023 the legislative session, we worked to help pass bills related to driver education and automated enforcement, as well as the Governor’s proposed tax credits for eBike purchases for all Coloradans. We also supported a bill related to expanding transit ridership, and monitored a few other bills to ensure that bicyclist safety and needs were considered. As always, our top priorities reflect the broad themes of our strategic plan, encouraging safer road behaviors, creating places to bike and expanding the bicycling movement and, above all, making sure all Coloradans can choose bicycling as a healthy choice for recreation and transportation.


You can find information below about all of the bills we worked on or paid close attention to this session, and where they ended up. Together, with a unified voice, we can make a difference and continue to make Colorado the best place to ride a bike!

Support our work with a donationRead our reflections on the 2023 session

Advocating for policy is one strategy that Bicycle Colorado uses to make lasting changes that benefit bicyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. We’re excited to share our work during the 2023 Colorado legislative session. Our policy positions are informed by careful analysis of the bills, along with input from stakeholder groups, such as the biking community, road safety advocates, climate advocates, and organizations focused on transportation and recreation, to name a few.

Governor Polis signs a law at the Colorado Capitol


A core tenet of our work is ensuring that people of all ages and abilities, no matter where they live in Colorado, have convenient access to safe places to bike and walk. Holding agencies accountable to design, fund, and build infrastructure that prioritizes safety for bicyclists and pedestrians is a priority for Bicycle Colorado. Overall, we believe safe infrastructure is the gold standard that will save lives and provide more places to more comfortably bike, though we also understand that improving driver education and behavior is part of the solution. This year, our legislative focus has been on advocating for equitable policies that more effectively regulate driver behavior, increase the understanding and awareness of safe behavior for all road users, and hold drivers accountable for dangerous and deadly actions.


SB23-200: Automated Vehicle Identification

Bicycle Colorado Position : SUPPORT (May 2, 2023)
Status: Governor signed into law

What this is about: Current regulation hampers the effective and equitable use of cameras to enforce speed limits in Colorado. For example, state law:

  • Limits use to residential, school, park and construction areas; it does not allow use on high-speed roadways, where most crashes occur.
  • Requires a person to be present during operations, which means cameras aren’t in use 24/7 and are more expensive to implement.

SB23-200 will address these constraints and promote the effective and equitable use of speed cameras.

Why we care: In 2022, 745 people died on Colorado’s roads, including 121 bicyclists and pedestrians. This is a record high since the Colorado Department of Transportation started publishing data in 2002. Speeding contributes to 40% of road deaths across the state and 53% of road deaths in Denver. An abundance of research concludes that using cameras to enforce speed limits is effective and has reduced crashes resulting in serious injuries by 48%. Please read our one-pager for further explanation of this bill, including the research that supports its efficacy and why we believe it will improve safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other vulnerable road users.


SB23-011: Minor Driver’s Education Requirements

Bicycle Colorado Position: SUPPORT (May 2, 2023)
Status: Stalled before completing process

What this is about: Currently, people between the ages of 16 and 21 are not required to take a driver’s education course before receiving an instructional permit or license. Under SB22-011, Colorado minors would need to complete a class before receiving a permit or license. The legislation would also create a refundable income tax credit of up to $1,000 per student for qualifying taxpayers.

Bicycle Colorado is advocating for an amendment to the bill requiring at least 10 percent of driver education and testing materials to include content specific to the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users.

Why we care: Traffic deaths among drivers ages 15 to 20 have increased from 24 deaths in 2019 to 35 in 2022. Teens are also a high-risk category of drivers who disproportionately contribute to traffic crashes. Education is one crucial part of a solution to reduce crashes.


SB23-034: Definitions of Serious Bodily Injury

Bicycle Colorado Position: MONITOR (May 2, 2023)
Status: Signed into law

What this is about: This bill will expand the definition of “serious bodily injury” in Colorado statute to include additional specificity regarding gun and knife injuries.

Why we care: In 2019, Bicycle Colorado successfully advocated making a “serious bodily injury” to a vulnerable road user (including bicyclists and pedestrians) a class one misdemeanor that subjects the violator to a restitution order and 12 points on their driver’s license. We monitor all legislation that may modify the definition of “serious bodily injury” to ensure there will be no adverse effects on bicyclists and pedestrians.

Access to bikes

Bikes are a critical part of our transportation system, and with the rapid adoption of eBikes more Coloradans are replacing car trips with bike trips. Bicycle Colorado is focused on removing barriers to bicycle ownership, shared micro-mobility, and will continue to advocate for safe places to ride. Financial incentives for transportation demand management and stimulating the demand for electric vehicles should incorporate eBikes as transportation. This includes rebates, tax credits, employer incentives, support for charging and storage, and community programming funding.

HB23-1272: Tax Policy That Advances Decarbonization

Bicycle Colorado Position: SUPPORT (May 2, 2023)
Status: Governor signed into law

What this is about: Colorado continues to take steps to meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals, including the transition to clean energy technologies. The transportation sector is the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in our state, so this bill extends and expands tax credits for light, medium, and heavy-duty electric vehicles and introduces a new tax credit of $500 for all Coloradans towards the purchase of an electric bike. We are currently working with legislators to ensure the tax credit benefits local bike shops.

Why we care: eBikes are a sustainable, equitable, and efficient mode of transportation well suited for a wide range of riders. Data from the City of Denver’s program demonstrates ebikes displace car trips and, when scaled, meaningfully contribute to GHG emission reductions. eBikes get more people active and transform how we get around town on shorter trips. Bicycle Colorado has been advancing the adoption of eBikes by supporting local and state-level rebates and community programs.

A group of people stand in front of the steps of the Colorado State Capitol with an eCargo bike.

Active transportation and youth

Research indicates that physical activity in the morning, such as walking and biking to school, supports physical and emotional health and supports learning. Bicycle Colorado is committed to advancing policies that encourage youth across Colorado to bike and walk.


SB23-094: School Transportation Task Force

Bicycle Colorado Position: MONITOR (May 2, 2023)
Status: Governor signed into law

What this is about: Families and school districts across Colorado face challenges in ensuring all children have safe transportation to school. This bill creates a Colorado school transportation modernization task force to create a report containing findings and recommendations to improve public school transportation services for students.

Why we care: At first glance, this bill may not be exciting to some people—create another task force to produce another report. However, significant change often begins with small steps. Bicycle Colorado wants to ensure that the scope of the proposed report includes biking and walking and that participants on the task force bring a biking and walking perspective. If we are successful, this bill will align nicely with our efforts to support Safe Routes to School programs in Colorado.

Public transit

Increasing transit ridership improves air quality and safety on our roads and in our communities by reducing the number of miles traveled by motor vehicle. When more people take transit, there are fewer individual motor vehicles on the road (cars, SUVs and light-duty trucks), meaning less air pollution and easier and safer traveling for people biking, walking and rolling.


HB23-1101: Ozone Season Transit Grant Program Flexibility

Bicycle Colorado Position: SUPPORT (May 2, 2023)
Status: Governor signed into law

What this is about: Last year, the Governor signed HB22-180, which provided grants to transit associations across the state to offer free transit services for at least 30 days during peak ozone periods. HB23-1101 will provide transit agencies more flexibility with how funds are used to promote ridership during peak ozone periods.

Why we care: In a nutshell, public transit is good for people who bike and walk. Additionally, the 2022 program was a success: thirteen transit associations across Colorado received a grant in 2022 and studies showed that the program increased ridership during the fare-free month and beyond.

Land Use

Land use and transportation are inextricably linked. Policies that govern what can be built and where it can be built directly impacts how people move around their communities. Bicycle Colorado advocates for land use policies that promote communities that are compact with mixed-use development that allow people to live closer to everyday destinations and transit, making biking, walking and taking transit more feasible options for more people. Increasing active transportation and transit options affects air quality, access to economic opportunity, mental and physical health, climate, and equity.


SB23-213: Land Use

Bicycle Colorado Position: MONITOR (May 2, 2023)
Status: Failed reconciliation in conference committee

What this is about: The primary aim of the legislation is to increase the supply of housing to address affordability and create more walkable and, in some regions of the state, bikeable communities with easy access to public transit.

Why we care: Bicycle Colorado will be monitoring this bill and possibly proposing amendments to ensure that Colorado’s land use policy supports creating communities that are bike and walk friendly.

How can you support our policy and advocacy work?

  1. Stay Informed. Read this update to understand the bills we are supporting or opposing and the impact these will have on Colorado if passed. Also, stay current on our legislative work by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and signing up for our free email newsletter.
  2. Take Action. Your voice truly matters, and we may need your voice to help pass a bill. If you’re open to writing to elected officials, sign up for Action Alerts.

Thank you for your advocacy!

If you’d like to support our work, consider becoming a member or making a donation today.


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