Your early Colorado Gives Day gift helps make biking safer for everyone. (Click outside black box to close window.)
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Just a 10 percent increase in bicycling and walking in Colorado would prevent an additional 30-40 deaths per year and lead to $258-$387 million in additional annual health savings to the state. A 30 percent increase could equal up to $2 billion in additional health savings.
Three dozen complete streets infrastructure redesigns can save $18 million in reduced and less-severe collisions.
Studies have also shown that bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure increases property values and spurs development. That infrastructure, as well as trail-oriented development, has contributed to increases in real estate values and new development activity.
Protected bike lanes increase retail visibility and sales volume. Cyclists shop often and spend as much or more than those arriving by automobile. An additional benefit is that business owners can fit 10 cyclist customers in a parking space, as opposed to one automobile customer.
Colorado residents are, overall, unsatisfied with the state’s bicycling infrastructure, including lack of dedicated and protected bicycle facilities, bicycle-friendly traffic signals and accommodations such as bike parking and showers at destinations.
The ability to ride a bicycle without fear of being hit; the ability to use public transit in conjunction with riding; and the availability of bike lanes, trails and bicycle parking all received low marks from residents.
The benefits of bicycling to the state as a whole, and our fellow Coloradans’ desires for more and safer riding options, directs our mission to make this the #1 state for bikes. Please support that work today! Join, donate or simply sign up for our email newsletter.