- Jul 23, 2014
- By Dan Grunig
Biking on the rise? Count on It!
Traditional traffic counting systems only track the number of motorized vehicles. Of course this method leaves out a significant portion of people using public roads. Some roads may see 10%, 15%, 20% or more trips taken by people walking and biking. There is a wise saying that we can’t manage what we…
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- Nov 8, 2012
- By BC Volunteer
Colorado Supreme Court hears bike ban case
The Colorado Supreme Court held a hearing on Nov. 8, 2012 for oral arguments related to the city of Black Hawk’s ban on bicycle riding. Lawyers for both sides received 30 minutes to present reasons in support of their respective positions. Attorney Paul Schwartz from Shoemaker Ghiselli + Schwartz presented on behalf…
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- Jun 6, 2012
- By Bicycle Colorado
Governor signs House Bill 1084 into law
Following a long journey through four committees and full house and senate votes, Governor John Hickenlooper held a signing ceremony for HB 1084 at the State Capitol in front of many bill sponsors and supporters. The bill, known as the End the Hit and Run Loophole bill, increases the possible penalties for…
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- May 23, 2012
- By Bicycle Colorado
Colorado climbs to 4th in bicycle-friendly rankings
Colorado is praised for its “national model” bike laws by the League of American Bicyclists. In the newly released bicycle-friendly state rankings, Colorado rose to #4, up from #12 last year. “Colorado exemplifies many of the qualities the League looks for in a bicycle friendly state, including a bicycle commuter mode share…
- Apr 11, 2012
- By Bicycle Colorado
Bicycle Colorado rides with state road designers
At a Bicycle Facility and Design class at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) last week, Bicycle Colorado helped lead six bike rides for road engineers and planners from across the state to let them experience the difference of riding in various situations: bike paths, lanes, shoulders and no shoulders. CDOT is…
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- Mar 1, 2012
- By Bicycle Colorado
Opening Brief Filed on Behalf of Cyclists
In December, the Colorado Supreme Court announced that it would consider the arguments raised by parties regarding the Black Hawk bike ban. The date of the hearing has not yet been set, but an opening brief was filed with the court on behalf of the three ticketed cyclists. The brief details the…
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- Jan 11, 2012
- By Bicycle Colorado
CDOT Bike/Ped Design Guide Finalized
Bicycle Colorado is excited to announce that the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has officially adopted the chapter on bicycle and pedestrian facility design in its Roadway Design Guide. The chapter provides guidelines on how to accommodate bicyclists on state roadways and is also a great resource for local bicycle advocates and…
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- Dec 10, 2011
- By Bicycle Colorado
Colorado Supreme Court to Hear Bike Ban Case
The Colorado Supreme Court announced that it has agreed to consider the arguments raised by parties regarding the Black Hawk bike ban. According to the Colorado Supreme Court website, the Court grants a hearing on an average of one out of fourteen certiorari petitions. The date of the hearing has not yet…
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- Aug 2, 2011
- By Bicycle Colorado
Black Hawk bike ban appeal to supreme court
The Black Hawk bike ban case has been presented to the Colorado Supreme Court for consideration by the justices to hear the case following a district court ruling against the three cyclists originally ticketed for riding their bicycles through the town. The Colorado Supreme Court requires that all cases be presented for…
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- Jul 28, 2011
- By Bicycle Colorado
Bicycle Colorado and 9News create PSA
Check out this new Bicycle Colorado video! Produced by our friends at 9News, this public service announcement (PSA) clarifies to all road users that bicycles are considered vehicles and have the right to be on the road. We also emphasize that bicyclists are responsible for following the same rules as motorized vehicles.…
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- Apr 1, 2011
- By Bicycle Colorado
Black Hawk appeal started
The three bicyclists who were ticketed last summer for riding in the town of Black Hawk are now appealing their citations in the Gilpin County District Court, after Black Hawk’s Municipal Judge denied their Motion to Dismiss the tickets. An appeal brief has been filed by the defendants’ lawyers, Shoemaker Ghiselli +…
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- Jan 18, 2011
- By Bicycle Colorado
Bicycle Colorado rides along with state patrol
Scott Christopher of Bicycle Colorado recently joined Master Trooper Shannon Schwanke for a day patrolling Colorado roads. Trooper Schwanke said that he does stop bicyclists, usually to offer education on obeying traffic laws. “I focus on unsafe situations that could put the bicyclist at risk,” said Schwanke. Most enforcement during the ride-along…
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- Dec 2, 2010
- By Bicycle Colorado
Black Hawk judge affirms bike ban
Black Hawk’s Municipal Judge denied bicyclists’ Motion to Dismiss tickets received for riding their bicycles through the town this summer. Bicycle Colorado thanks Andrew Shoemaker and Paul Schwartz at Shoemaker Ghiselli + Schwartz LLC for their pro-bono representation of the defendants in this case. In addition Brad Tucker at ColoBikeLaw.com, Rudy Verner…
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- Aug 18, 2010
- By Bicycle Colorado
Black Hawk court case underway
On Wednesday, August 18, three bicyclists that received tickets for riding their bikes in Black Hawk appeared in court for arraignment and pled not guilty based on an invalid ordinance. This initiates the legal process to determine the validity of the bike ban. At the hearing, the defense attorneys moved to dismiss…
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- Jan 1, 2008
- By Bicycle Colorado
Share the Road license plates roll out
Share the Road license plates roll out Our new Share the Road license plates are now available at county clerk offices. You can order your Approval Certificate from Bicycle Colorado here. If you have been waiting for the plates to become available, now is the time to order! Demand at county offices…
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