Colorado Supreme Court to Hear Bike Ban Case
The Colorado Supreme Court announced that it has agreed to consider the arguments raised by parties regarding the Black Hawk bike ban. According to the Colorado Supreme Court website, the Court grants a hearing on an average of one out of fourteen certiorari petitions. The date of the hearing has not yet been set.
From the Court’s documents, they will hear arguments of the following:
- Whether municipalities may ban bicycling on local streets absent a suitable nearby alternative bicycling route.
- Whether legislation is rationally related to a legitimate governmental interest, and thus a reasonable exercise of police power, when the evidence on which the legislation is based does not address that governmental interest.
- Whether banning bicycling on the only route connecting Central City to the Peak-to-Peak Highway is a reasonable exercise of Black Hawk’s police power.
We will keep you updated with the latest information as it becomes available.
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