Image for Bicycle Colorado

Thank Gov. Hickenlooper and the CDOT Commission

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Bicycle Colorado

About the Author: Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Denver. We use advocacy, education and passion to make Colorado one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the nation. We encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions and provide a voice for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. With the support of our members and numerous partnerships across the public and private sector, we’ve made significant strides in improving bicycling since 1992.


Pete - Reply

Thanks! I am really excited about the cycling project, the growth in cycling it will create and all the benefits that will come from it.

Simon - Reply

Great news. Appreciated. A comprehensive transport plan that includes non motorized and mass transport to benefit the state would be great and this cycling plan is a great addition

Steve Gosselin - Reply

Way to go! Thank you so much. Way to set CO up to lead the way and be the example!

Adam - Reply

Pouring money into bicycle infrastructure in Colorado is one of the most valuable ways of increasing tourism to the state (not that we TOTALLY need it). Also, us Coloradoans will enjoy the fruits of the labor and continue to ride the most beautiful terrain in all of the land!

David - Reply

Thanks for your outstanding commitment to bicycling in Colorado and making us a leader in the nation!

Ted - Reply

Thanks so very much to making a commitment to safer infrastructure for bicycling in Colorado! I am a bike commuter and recreational rider who really appreciates any efforts to make bicycling safer and more enjoyable.

Eric - Reply

As someone who likes to commute to work, but lacks some good routes, I really appreciate this effort.

John - Reply

Thank you for your support. These are important issues and it is good to see the the great state of Colorado is committed and moving is this positive direction. Safer roadways mean that it is safer and more enjoyable for all of those who use them, cyclists and motorist alike.

York, The Red Lion - Reply

I can’t wait to see what we create and what that inspires as we implement new projects with the $100 Million. Very Cool! Thank you!

Pat - Reply

Ride on! Thanks for your leadership in making Colorado the best state in the nation for cyclists. Given the continued growth, safe “through” routes are vital for both commuting and recreational riding.

Claire Carren - Reply

Thank you for supporting bicycling in Colorado!

David Newcomer - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper for the amazing commitment to these needed projects. This will capitalize on the great progress made in the last few years. Very exciting! Thank you to CDOT for the forward-thinking display of road planning in action. Thank you Betsy! Thank you also to Bicycle Colorado for keeping the BIG PICTURE in focus and the continued effort to make Colorado a cycling friendly and fair community. Thanks to Dan Grunig, Amy Morfas, Scott Christopher, Ted Heyd, Jenna Berman and everyone working so hard every day to bring this together! Thank you to the Board, too, Ella, Brad, Scot, Bill and Sheri, Alex, Greg, Lee, Terry and Dave and everyone else. Way to go!

Chip - Reply

I’ve never been more proud to be a Colorado citizen. The Gov just earned this Republicans vote next time around.

Roger - Reply

Great news for those of us who use our state’s roads to commute and ride for exercise and enjoyment. Thanks Gov….

Bill Mann - Reply

Thank you so much for myself and all future generations of Coloradoans. A lifelong cyclist, I am so delighted to see trails like the Roaring Fork Valleys, Rio Grande Trail, acquired by Rails to Trails, connected with,Colorado States, Glenwood SpringsBike Trail. Keep up the great work.
We will be #1 nationally. Great to see all the smiling faces on the roads and trails both Mountain Bike and Road Cyclists. Never thought I would live to see the day, what a change in the numbers of cyclist out on our roads and trails from the early 1960s.

Irene Joo - Reply

Thank you for providing the means to make Co the safest and friendlies state to ride a bicycle.

Paul Belanger - Reply

Thanks for your support and your effort to make Colorado the friendliest and hopefully safest state for bicycle riding.

Phil von Hake - Reply

THANK YOU, Governor Hickenlooper! CDPHE stands ready to help with this effort . . . PvH

Chuck Breaux - Reply

Thanks, Guv! I hope Colorado indeed becomes the best state in the US for biking!

Russ - Reply

With this generous financial commitment, Colorado is firmly established to become most bicycling friendly state in the US. I echo the words of gratitude from everyone else to the Governor, CDOT and cycling leadership throughout Colorado. Exciting time to be a cyclist in Colorado!

Brian Bern - Reply


Erik VanHansen - Reply

Thank You both Govener & CDOT, for without vision & goals for more cycling safety & routs in CO, we would fall even more into the trap of using a car as our first choice of transportation.

I have an idea that would increase ridership by an estimated 50% within two years with similair or greater growths in coming years. The program will cost virtually nothing. It is based on taking people by the hand for one year & a team of dedicated cyclists to volunteer a few hours to support new riders.

Please have someone contact me about the details.

With Love & Gratitudes for Cycling,

Jeff Smith - Reply

Thank you for supporting Colorado cycling, Governor (and CDOT). I look forward to riding to work on the new Hwy 36 bike path when it is complete.

John - Reply

Thanks for your support of cycling in Colorado!

Tim Davis - Reply

I am very proud of Colorado and especially our Governor for takinig this step. After recently traveling to other states, I realized how unique we are in our enjoyment of cycling as residents and how we have an infratructure that supports it. The benefits of cycling are too many to mention. Thank you Governor for your forward thinking and vision for this special state we live in.

LT - Reply

Thanks, Hick and CDOT, for a commitment that will make our great state greater.

Jill Bergmann - Reply

Thank you for making kids’ safety a priority as they walk and bike to school in communities across our state. Creating safer routes for kids and adults as we go about our daily lives makes Colorado healthier, reduces congestion on our roads, and better preserves our state’s beautiful environment. Thank you for caring about our safety and quality of life and for allocating the needed resources to make it happen!

Dave - Reply

Atta boy Governor Hick! We knew we could count on you to do the right thing.

Allen Cowgill - Reply

Thank you so much for your efforts to make Colorado a more bike friendly state. It’s so inspiring to see a leader that understands how much this investment in infrastructure will pay off in the long run, not only for the safety of cyclist, but also for making Colorado a healthy happy state.

Ray Hanson - Reply

A big thank you to Governor Hickenlooper and CDOT for the foresight to invest in making bicycling even better in CO.

Shaun - Reply

Great! I commute to work in rural NE CO. I hope some of that $ will make it out here. I’d love to see a bike path along Hwy. 52 just N of Fort Morgan.
Bikes are the way to go!

Liz - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper! We are so excited that SRTS will be back up and running.

Nard - Reply

Colorado leads! Colorado sets the standards and the others will follow. This is enlighten sustainable progress.

Bob - Reply

These next few years should really be exciting for all of us in this great state of Colorado. Thanks a lot, Gov. Wonderful cycling for all the next generations.

Jenney - Reply

I was very happy to hear about this big initiative to improve biking safety in Colorado. Too many sad stories about cyclists getting killed by cars. We really need to provide safer places for people to ride. So many roads don’t even have adequate shoulders to to provide even minimal separation of cyclists from traffic. I would prefer totally separated bike paths, but even bike lanes is an improvement.

christy olsen - Reply

I live in Southern Colorado and hope that more bicycling infrastructure will be added down here. The Arkansas River area is a beautiful place to bicycle, but most people do not feel safe to cycle on Hwy 50. My dream is for a bike path to be built stretching from Canon to Salida. I believe it would benefit the area tremendously. Here’s to making Colorado a safer and more enjoyable place to cycle!!

Janet - Reply

Thank you, Governor Hickenlooper – I about burst with pride when Colorado is on the leading edge of brilliance, especially when it is with something as multifaceted as the opportunities that cycling brings — for the environment, for healthy lifestyles, for transportation options, and for recreation. Ride on!

Lonnie - Reply

Thank you for your leadership in supporting cycling in Colorado! Improving cycling infrastructure will enable us to ride more, save energy resources and reduce pollution while improving the health of our citizens.

Robbie Monsma - Reply

Thank you, Governor Hickenlooper! I am a downtown resident and so wish I could feel safe riding my bike on our busy streets, especially at rush hour. I also am very happy someone is working on linking up all our beautiful dedicated cycling paths. Trying to transition from one to another is a big frustration. Please:

1. include EXCELLENT directional signage,
2. label the street names on ALL the overpasses, and
3. once the work is complete, publish an up-to-date bike map showing the entire metro area at a usable scale.


Mary Gallagher - Reply

Thanks to Governor HIckenlooper for your leadership and commitment to bicycling in our state. I still remember how, when you were Denver mayor you listened to my concern about adding a bike lane to 14th avenue to make an better transition from the Platte River Trail to downtown – then it was added. You didn’t just talk the talk – you made it happen. Thanks again!

Mark Erickson - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper, CDOT and everyone else for making such a great investment in transportation, health and recreation for Colorado. This is truly going to set Colorado apart from other states.

Thanks also to the Bicycle Colorado team for their tireless effort to make Colorado a better place for bicycling!

Erica Porter - Reply

Thank you Mr. Hickenlooper for helping to promote safe routes for children and cycling in the state of Colorado. The benefits this provides from the aspects of safety, tourism, environmental impact to a healthy lifestyle are unmeasurable. The cycling support in this state is one of my favorite reasons to call Colorado home.

Judy Siel - Reply

Awesome. Any improvements to our roads is helpful. There are many roads in Douglas County like CO 105 or CO 83 that are scenic, but bad behavior by trucks make it dicey for bikes. Please add shoulders to these roads so we can bike to Colorado Springs. Thank you for taking the first step in improving our roads!

Liz Weiss - Reply

This is incredible news! As a masters student whose project is about advocating bikes for transportation, it excites me to see different organizations coming together and uniting over the improvement of bicycle infrastructure in Colorado. These efforts are why I love this state and I look forward to the opportunities that this achievement creates! Biking has so many benefits, and it is awesome to live in a state where the governor feels the same way. Cheers to Governor Hickenlooper!

R Mendelson - Reply

CC4C…Colorado Cares For Citizens!!!
Thanks for promoting biking in the state!

matilda - Reply

thank you!!

Shane - Reply

Thank you for making this a great state. This is a great decision now that benefits all of us for years to come.

Colin Krumdieck - Reply

As an avid cyclist, Colorado taxpayer, and Hickenlooper supporter, I am excited by this news. This decision should only enhance our repuation as a cycling destination. We need to show the rest of the US how valuable cycling is has an alternative form of transport, and how valuable investment in cycling recreational options are to the local communities, and the State. Lets get the cycling corridor along I-70 completed all the way to Grand Junction, and develop something similar along I-25 and other intermountain highways. Keep up the good work!

Miki - Reply

Proud of Colorado this day. We are a leader.

Ned - Reply

Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

Jack - Reply

This is real progress. THANKS!

Bette Gauthier - Reply

Great for the health, fitness, and weight of children and adults; the environment; tourism; reduced traffic congestion; and businesses! Please put some of the benefit into southeast Douglas County near Franktown!

Ellen - Reply

Thank you!!! Promoting safety and healthy lifestyles should always be top of the list. As a recreational rider and sometimes commuter (retiring this year) and auto driver, I will appreciate all the safety measures going into place for the future of bicycles and cars on the roadways and trails. The more we commit to safer riding and driving, the more people will reflect on their health and commit to take up cycling all over this beautiful State. Hooray for you!!!

Jean - Reply

Thank you Gov. Hickenlooper and CDOT! The national press received and excitement surrounding the commitment is already a great start to making this a number one biking state. As an individual who bike commutes for work, fun and everything in between, it makes me excited to raise my family here and promote the easy, healthy, clean and enjoyable aspects of riding (or walking) as a form of transport. The desire for these bike improvements is rampant through the state, from downtown Denver to surrounding suburbs to smaller non-Front Range towns. Excitement abounds!

Paul - Reply

This is great news. Thanks!

Steve - Reply

Thank You!

Ruth Aydelott - Reply

Thank you, governor – this’s wonderful news! Most of my friends will be happ, too!

Joe Wilson - Reply

As a voter and taxpayer, I appreciate these efforts to promote bicycling and other alternative transportation. Thank you!

Gary Harty - Reply

Thank you for your leadership, your commitment, and your vision for the value of bicycling.

Pat - Reply

Thanks for your commitment to safer roads for cyclists. I look forward to seeing improvements in areas all across the state. Don’t forget the mountain communities!

Terry Baldwin - Reply

Thank you Govenor Hickenlooper and Bicycle Colorado! I took up cycling 10 years ago in order to get healthy, lost 300 pounds, got rid of my diabetes and have spread the word of the health benefits of riding a bicycle. By building an infrastructure that is conducive for safe and convenient cycling, you have made it easier for me to continue my journey and to communicate the message that “cycling can be your salvation!” Congratulations and thanks again!!

Heidi - Reply

Thank you! As a year-round bike commuter and recreational touring cyclist, I’m thrilled with the plans for improving cycling opportunities for all. If there was a safer way to cycle Hwy 36 or 34 between Estes Park and other front range communities (e.g., Loveland, Longmont), I’d ditch my car permanently!

Tom Scrimgeour - Reply

Any day I can be on my bike is a good day but it’s especially good if it’s a trip that replaced my car. Bravo!

Paul Majors - Reply

Thank you for leading Colorado to become the best bicycle state in the USA. I have been riding my bike to work for the 12 years I have lived in Denver – each year it gets safer and more fun! Thanks to you and Bicycle Colorado for the hard work.

Ariel - Reply

Hooray! Thanks for supporting a healthy mode of transportation.

Tripp - Reply

Thanks for keeping Colorado on the vanguard !

Daryl - Reply

Thank you so much Gov! This means a lot!

Todd - Reply

Thank you Gov. Hickenlooper and CDOT for for commitment to safe cycling in Colorado!

tim black - Reply

THANK YOU Keep up the ideals for a great Colorado

Tom Tingle - Reply

Thanks for intending to improve an already great mode of transportation.

Kelly - Reply

Thank you for your commitment and support! Biking is the way of the future and I’m proud to live and work in a state that is dedicated to making bicycling safer and more accessible!

Antonia Banducci - Reply

Thank you, Governor, for your outstandingly strong commitment to providing much needed safe bicycling connections within both rural and urban areas.

Jordan - Reply

Thank you, Gov. Hickenlooper and CDOT for your commitment. We moved here to CO some years ago in no small part because of the cycling infrastructure that set the state apart from the others. We’re not on par with many parts of Europe yet, but the will and means are clearly growing. Please continue to support these and other cycling initiatives. I’m living proof that “if you build it, they will come.”

Julie Kiley - Reply

Thank you, Gov. Hickenlooper, for actively keeping us moving towards being a bicycle safe and friendly state.
Thanks as well for thinking outside the Metro Denver area. El Paso County has lots of great scenery to bike through. We still lack safe bike routes in some major commuter corridors. I echo the concerns about adequate road shoulders, especially in Black Forest, where aggressive drivers can become imoatient and run riders off the road. As important as shoulders is street sweeping so we can ride in the shoulders without losing control due to debris or getting a flat from broken glass.
Thanks for helping get our kids active yet safe. What a great legacy for our state!

Paul and Cindy Braun - Reply

We are thrilled to hear this news. Thank you so much for your commitment and effort! Kudos to Dan G. and BC, as well! Safe riding!

Karen Barber - Reply

Thank you Gov. Hickenlooper and CDOT. This is something that Colorado needs, I am proud to be a native and continue to live here. Thanks for understanding the importance of what you are promising.

Sama Blackwell - Reply

Thank you Governor! Safer streets for biking benefits everyone.

Rolf Munson - Reply

Thank you Gov. Hickenlooper for having the vision to recognize making Colorado the most cycling friendly state in the union will help with the bottom line through tourism. As a second effect, it will encourage more people to ride, make commuting easier and more attractive to people, and help cut carbon emissions in the state.

I bike commute to work 3-5 days a week, and attest to the benefits with everyone who asks. However I also see the real and perceived barriers to starting a bike commute. I hope and anticipate this commitment will help them get started and keep them riding.

Lawrence - Reply

Thank you! It really pains me to see a state like Wisconsin more bicycle friendly than Colorado…especially since Colorado is a bicycle mecca location. Thank you for your support…maybe one day, with continued support like this, we can be leading the pack as the most bicycle friendly state.

Cynthia - Reply

I am thrilled to hear of your goal to make Colorado the best state for biking! A huge thank you, for making biking a priority and finding the necessary funding to do so. I look forward to looking back some day and seeing how impactful your decision and support were at a pivotal time for Colorado and for biking in the US.

Mark Mettler - Reply

Thanks for taking action to provide for a healthier Colorado and safer Colorado for those of us who ride bicycles. I believe this is good for everyone and hope it will increase the number of riders in Colorado. We have a beautiful state and it’s a great place to ride.

Edith Zemanick - Reply

Thank you! This is a great step for Colorado. We are looking forward to living in a state that is leading the way in healthy living and providing a renewable future for our kids! I can’t wait to see this translated into action. Thank you for your vision!

Tim Whetten - Reply

Bicycling and walking Colorado enable an intimate experience that is not possible in an enclosed vehicle. This in turn creates community and desire to preserve our beautiful state. Through this money I hope that people will feel safer on bikes and will be encouraged to get out, enjoy and participate in what our state has to offer.

David Rapp - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper for making this commitment to the people of Colorado!

I’m personally interested in Safe Routes to School becoming an institutionalized and sustained part of the education curriculum at every elementary school in Colorado.


John Sunnygard - Reply

Gov. Hickenlooper, thank you for supporting bicycling in Colorado. I bike to work in Denver nearly everyday. I GREATLY value the 15th street bike lane, and encourage the development of more sensible ways to commute to work. Your efforts will help tremendously. I also bike in Chaffee County, where there are beautiful bike paths and respect for cyclists. Help keep us safe, clean and have the opportunity to share the beauty of our great state!

Jane - Reply

I know this is not your first committed push for bicycling because my husband and I rode the Pedal the Plains with you 2013. It was a great ride and this plan is a huge support for all of us moving forward…on bikes! Thank you for your vision and I hope you’ve gotten a new bike since then.

Will Stingley - Reply

Thanks Hick! Can’t wait to see further progress for safe and innovative cycling measures!

Mary Alyce - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper! So refreshing to have a state official support what the people want…more biking and alternate methods of transportation besides cars! People are choosing biking, walking, scooters and public transportation over cars these days. Thank you for your support!.

Scott - Reply

Thank you, Governor Hickenlooper and CDOT leadership. Coloradans want safe ways to travel so we can choose when to go by foot, by bicycle, by transit and by car – in a manner that is safe, connected and enjoyable.

Susan Stearns - Reply

Thanks to all who have worked on this. I was on the Governor’s Bicycle Advisory Board in the 1980s and 90s and things have come a long, long way since then. We have a ways to go, but progress is being made

Cynthia Molloy - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper and CDOT for supporting the 2 wheeled manual bike industry. It promotes ideal weight, better mental and physical health, and decreases our need for fossil fuel. This in turn supports our delicate climate balance for air, water and earth. We do need more overpasses for busy streets i.e. Federal to connect neighborhoods, i.e. Chaffee Park-Regis. The safety of the biker on paths, lanes, and overpasses will help contribute to the sustainability of neighborhoods, promote communities and the happiness quotient. RIDE ON!.

Deborah Maresca - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper! I am glad I voted for someone that will make cycling safer in this great state. Colorado should be the on top of bicycling infrastructure. Safety for pedestrians and cyclists alike.

James - Reply

Thank you Governor Hick. That’s the kind of leadership we like to see. I hope more elected officials take your lead.

Jamie - Reply

Thank you thank you! After living in Portland Oregon where it is the norm to have a bike and not a car, I can’t express how happy this makes me. Denver especially has great potential to expand designated street bike lines and signage along with with its relatively flat terrain to bike along!

Cheryl - Reply

Thank you, this is great news. My husband and I have ridden bikes in Colorado for 31 years and enjoy that our grandchildren are getting into cycling too. We have ridden to every corner with Ride the Rockies 19 or 20 times. Cycling is a great way to stay young, healthy and enjoy Colorado scenery.

John Tucker - Reply

Thanks for your continued support of alternative transportation and Colorado cycling in general.

Glenn - Reply

Thank you Governor Hickenlooper for your support of cycling in Colorado!! Your decision will benefit current and future generations of cyclists in our great state.

I hope some of the money will be used to create signs that will be used along roads informing everyone of the 3 feet to pass law. This is a well intentioned law but very few people know it exists. I’ve seen 3 feet to pass signs when cycling in other states. In fact, I saw the same type sign when I was in Spain last year.

Thank you again for being a leader who leads!

Guy - Reply

Thank you for making the health of our state and citizens a priority. I hope the nation recognizes and follows your lead and moves us forward.


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