Mapping our member community
It’s been a quiet week here in our office in downtown Denver. School has started again, so our educators are out teaching. Many of our staff members are at the USA Pro Challenge, watching the action and meeting with members and legislators.
But a few of us are holding down the fort back at the office, including me—the membership manager. Many of you know that Bicycle Colorado is a member-based organization, and we’re happy to count many of you as members, thank you. You could say our member community is the drivetrain of Bicycle Colorado—it’s where we derive our power and our voice.
I’ve always liked the African proverb It takes a village to raise a child. In Bicycle Colorado’s case, it takes a village of bike advocates to build a state that’s a great place to live and ride. Our village is our community of members, spread far and wide. As a bit of a data nerd, I had fun putting together some maps to visualize our member community. Here’s what our village looks like:
From sea to shining sea!
Our village represents 8,478 individuals in 33 states—including Alaska!—plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
In the Centennial State
Within Colorado, our members are spread throughout 49 of Colorado’s 64 counties.
It probably won’t surprise you that the highest concentrations of members are along the Front Range:
Here are the 25 Colorado cities home to the greatest number of members:
Especially during a quiet week, it’s fun to remember that our village is out there, thousands strong, enjoying every corner of Colorado’s bikeways from Durango to Julesburg and everywhere in between. I’m grateful to be a small part of this impressive community of people who love to ride bikes.
For those of you who are members, what made you decide to join Bicycle Colorado? For my readers who aren’t members yet, won’t you join the village?
Our twitter feed is unavailable right now.