Dockless mobility technology arriving on Denver’s streets
Starting as soon as this morning, you’ll see dockless bicycles and scooters on Denver’s streets, available for Denver residents, Coloradans, and visitors with the use of an app as part of a yearlong pilot program.

Cover photo courtesy David Sachs, Streetsblog Denver
Bicycle Colorado and BikeDenver share the belief that these technologies can play a pivotal role in achieving the goals laid out in Denver’s Mobility Action Plan, and we want to share our stances on the issues with you, our members and supporters.
In the Mobility Action Plan, Mayor Michael B. Hancock writes:
“Our very future depends on a renewed commitment to create, operate and maintain a safe, equitable, reliable and cost-effective transportation system … Our collective goal must be for all residents–regardless of age, ability, income or neighborhood–to have more and better transportation choices that make sense for their complex needs. Achieving this vision means unlocking greater mobility freedom for everyone and supporting the choices people want to make.”
He goes on to note his goals to reduce single occupancy vehicle commutes to 50% of Denver’s mode share, boost bike and pedestrian commutes and transit commutes to 15% each, eliminate traffic fatalities, improve public health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.
We believe that dockless mobility technology will increase the freedom of all Denverites to choose more convenient and environmentally-friendly ways to get around town, reducing congestion on our roadways along the way. We’re excited to play a part in the implementation of these emergent mobility options in our capital city.
We’re also aware that the implementation process won’t be without its bumps in the road. These technologies will require—and even encourage—Denver to change the way it thinks about its shared public spaces. That’s especially true of Denver’s roadways, trail system and bike lanes, and Denver will have to make room for everyone using those spaces when people choose to adopt and embrace these new mobility choices.
We can’t keep pushing two-wheeled, common-sense options like bicycles and scooters to the margins. Streets are for people, and we need to ensure that everyone has safe and accessible choices to get where they need to go, whether that choice is a bicycle, a scooter, two feet, a car or any of the other options in our capital city.
Our joint statement on dockless bike share coming to Denver
Bicycle Colorado and BikeDenver support Denver’s decision to bring dockless biking technology to Denver’s streets. We believe bike share—docked and dockless—has the power to change the way people think about bicycling and encourage more people to ride.
Studies have shown that the more bicyclists there are on the road, the safer it becomes; that is especially true in cities with extensive bike share systems, according to a 2018 study published by the International Transport Forum.
Since day one, we’ve worked together to make bicycling a more accessible and safer mobility option; we believe dockless bike share will help that cause, and we’re excited to work with the City of Denver and providers to get more people riding bikes.
Our joint statement on e-Scooters
Bicycle Colorado and BikeDenver support Denver’s decision to bring dockless scooters to Denver’s streets. It’s our hope that this emerging technology will give people around the city increased mobility freedom and choice. We’re excited to work with the city and providers on implementation and regulation of this new technology in our public space.
As bike advocates we’ve fought—and will continue to fight—for safe and accessible space for people who bike on our roadways, and we recognize that those same fights apply to anyone who chooses to travel on two wheels or two feet. We’re looking forward to working with the City of Denver and providers to make sure our streets and public spaces are designed for safe travel with all road users in mind.
Our twitter feed is unavailable right now.