Colorado drops another place in Bicycle Friendly State rankings
The League of American Bicyclists released the Bicycle Friendly State rankings on Monday. Though Colorado’s score remained nearly the same as last year, the state’s ranking has slipped five spots from the #2 spot in 2013 to #7 this year. Other states are waking up to the value of bicycling investment. Utah, now #5, leapfrogged Colorado as the top ranked Rocky Mountain state.
The report scores Colorado well in the areas of Legislation & Enforcement, Policies & Programs and Evaluation & Planning—though there is still room to grow in each of these categories. The report identifies shortfalls in the areas of Infrastructure & Funding and Education & Encouragement. In both of these areas, Colorado earns just 2 out of 5 in the League’s scoring system.
It is important to note that this 2 out of 5 score for Education & Encouragement does not even take into consideration the recent defeat of Safe Routes to School funding by the State Legislature earlier this month. That decision will impact next year’s ranking.
Colorado’s Moving Towards Zero Deaths movement, on the other hand, may help improve our ranking next year. We hope that this program helps direct funding to programs that increase safety for bicyclists.
Governor Hickenlooper has stated a goal for Colorado to become the most bicycle-friendly state in the nation. In order to achieve this, it is clear that Colorado must begin to match other states’ investments in bicycling and safety programs.
See the report card with recommendations.
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