Action Alert: Will Denver include bikes in the bond?
It’s GO time: If you want more and better bicycling, then Denver needs you!
The city intends to pursue a general obligation bond (GO Bond) in 2017 to support funding shortfalls for all kinds of projects, including transportation and parks. Public input will be critical and is necessary to encourage funding for bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure. Millions of dollars are on the line. Please join us in showing support for this funding!
Projects like roads, libraries or other facilities that improve public health, safety or culture will be considered at a series of citywide meetings November 15 through December 8. Bicycle Colorado will be there but we also need your help! Because you are experts in your area of the city, please join us to speak up for projects that will make your community more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly.
Talking Points
Not sure what to say? Here are three messages that talk about specific needs for bike infrastructure that would be excellent priorities in the GO Bond:
- The Denver Moves Bicycles plan is seriously underfunded. At current levels of funding it will take 30 or more years to complete. People who bike want to do so on a safe, connected network. Denver needs to accelerate the implementation of Denver’s bike plan by allocating funds to meet the $65 million need to complete the bike network.
- More than 10,000 people are moving to Denver every year and traffic congestion is getting worse. Denver needs to create more transportation options like additional protected bike lanes downtown and on arterials like Broadway.
- We are building a city that isn’t safe enough for our kids to walk and bike in. Denver needs to invest in school zone crossings and safe routes for kids to bike to school like the 47th and York bridge by Bruce Randolph School.
Public Meeting Schedule
- Tuesday, Nov. 15, 6-7:30 p.m: Montbello Campus, 5000 Crown Blvd.
- Thursday, Nov. 17, 6-7:30 p.m: Teller Elementary School, 1150 Garfield St.
- Tuesday, Nov. 29, 6-7:30 p.m.: Corky Gonzales Library, 1498 Irving St.
- Thursday, Dec. 1, 6-7:30 p.m.: Lincoln High School, 2285 S. Federal Blvd.
- Tuesday, Dec. 6, 6-7:30 p.m.: Bruce Randolph School, 3955 Steele St.
- Thursday, Dec. 8, 6-7:30 p.m.: South High School, 1700 E. Louisiana Ave.
If you can’t attend a meeting, you have until December 21 to go to your local public library or recreation center to fill out and submit a comment card. You can also submit any questions or comments at any time during the yearlong process by emailing
Thank you for speaking up! We are here to help if you have questions–reach out in the comments section.
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