Session Description: Transportation investments that prioritize moving more cars, more quickly through communities creates a disconnect between the need for safe, accessible, and reliable options that don’t depend on a car. Hear from residents how poor transit service, inadequate sidewalks, and unsafe places to ride a bike impacts their quality of life. Learn why it matters and what might be done to rebalance transportation to meet everyone’s needs.
When: Tuesday, February 22 from 4-5:30 p.m.
Co-hosted alongside Servicios de la Raza.
Panelists include:
- James Gillespie, moderator, Servicios de la Raza
- Krystin Trustman, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
- Isaiah Pacheco, Servicios WAGEES Program
- Gabby, Lakewood High School Freshman
- Pam Jiner, Montbello Walks