Your Guide to Colorado Bike Month 2018
Though most of the country celebrates Bike to Work Month in May, we do things a bit differently here–we celebrate Colorado Bike Month in June, when the snow has melted enough for our mountain towns to join the fun.
Check out the following list of Colorado Bike Month events taking place around the state! If we missed an event in your area, please add it in the comments.

And be sure to save the date for Colorado’s
Bike to Work Day,
June 27!
Colorado Bike Month events throughout the state
Boulder: Click here for Boulder to
learn about
multiple events throughout the month of June in Boulder.
Colorado Springs: Register
here to ride on Bike to Work Day! Here’s
calendar of Bike Month
events from our friends at Bike Colorado Springs.
Crested Butte: The 38th Annual Crested Butte Bike Week is scheduled for
20-24, 2018.
Click here to see the full schedule of events.
Denver metro area: Click here to register to ride on Bike to Work Day and plan your ride on an Active Bike Corrido
! Our friends at the Denver Regional Council of Governments
also offering lots of amazing giveaways–registering gives you the chance to win big. Better
refer friends and get even more chances!
Durango: Durango celebrates Clean Commute Week June 20-28! Clean Commute Week is an effort of the City of Durango to encourage citizens
get out of their single-occupant vehicle and try a more sustainable mode of transportation by commuting
public transportation, carpooling, walking and bicycling.
Eagle: Click here for Eagle to
learn about Bike to Work Day stations in Eagle.
Estes Park: This is not just Bike to Work Day, but Bike Estes Day!
Click here for Estes Park to
see links to
the Bike to Work Day event and the Bike Parade.
Fort Collins: Click here for Fort
Collins to learn about Bike to Work Day in
Fort Collins and see a listing on events happening
in June.
Fruita: May is Grand Valley Bike Month, and they’re celebrating all
biking to cap it all off on Wednesday, May 30.
Click here for Fruita to
learn more
about Bike to Work Day 2018 in the Grand Valley and stay tuned for 2019 announcements.
Golden: Golden has a number of stations around town on Bike to Work Day. Click here to see where you can
stations for breakfast and after work!
Grand Junction: May is Grand Junction Bike Month. Follow this page to
photos from this year and stay up to date for next year’s bike month.
Greeley: Click here to learn more and
register for Bike to Work Day in Greeley, and learn about the Full Moon Bike Ride the day after Bike to Work
(starting at 8 p.m.) by clicking here. Greeley also has events scheduled throughout June, July, August and September.
You can learn more click here to learn more about all.
Lakewood: Lakewood has a number of stations around town on Bike to Work Day.
Click here to see where you can find
all around the city!
all around the city!
Littleton: Riding in Littleton? You’re in luck on Bike to Work Day!
here to see where you can find a
on the 27th, grabbing food on the way in to work and drinks on the way home!
Longmont: Longmont is gearing up for bike month, and will have several
stations on Bike to Work Day! Click here to see where they’ll be.
Loveland: Click here for Loveland to see the City of Loveland’s event calendar for June, and check out the 8-week
to Work Challenge.
Montrose: Click here to learn about
bicycling events this summer including Bike to Work Day. Montrose also has a Full Moon Cruiser Ride the day after Bike to Work Day.
Pueblo: Let’s Get Pueblo Moving! Click here for Pueblo to
learn more,
and click the link for Bike to Work Day on the right side of the page to get information on the free
stations and group rides.
Steamboat Springs: There are many events for you in
BikeTownUSAⓇ! Click here for Steamboat to see the June event calendar.
Bike Wednesdays
Throughout the month of June, pledge to make Wednesday your day to ride your bike
work or school. Bike Wednesdays not only will help you form regular bike habits, but will also afford you
time and space to plan your routes for Bike to Work Day without the crowds. It helps take the pressure
Bike Commuting Resources
Check out these resources for more helpful tips and tricks to make your riding
experience more comfortable and fun:
- Rules of the Road, Trails and Paths in
Colorado - Bike Maps or Google Maps with
layer to plan your route - Confident Commuting lessons
Strength in numbers
Why is Bike to Work Day so great? It’s an opportunity to demonstrate the
diversity, and momentum of our state’s bike community. When you ride to work on Bike to Work Day, you’re
tens of thousands of other bicyclists statewide who know that riding a bike is a fun, healthy, green and
efficient mode of transportation.
Bike to Work, Bike to Play, Bike to Shop, Bike to…
Inspired by Estes Park’s Bike to
Bike to Play campaign, we encourage using your experience
month to appreciate all the other ways your bike plays a role in your life. What’s your new favorite place
Stay tuned also for more information about where you can find Bicycle Colorado
Bike to Work Day this year! We’ll have several locations around the greater Denver Metro area and Boulder
we’ll be announcing soon!
Bicycle Colorado Giveaway
Throughout the month of June, you can win big by joining or renewing your membership.
Each donation and membership contributed during Bike Month from June 1 – 30 will enter you to win a prize! At the
of June, we’ll be giving away:
Grand Prize – TWO registrations for Pedal The Plains and the opportunity to join the Bicycle
Colorado staff on Team Bicycle Colorado! ($560 value)
Second Prize – A beautiful, wooden corn hole game with ‘Colorado’ and a bike inscribed.
Third Prize – Winner’s choice of a Bicycle Colorado jersey or t-shirt.
BONUS for current members: Refer a friend and you will receive not one but TWO entries into this contest
your friend will receive an entry as well. The friend will simply enter your name in the referral box on
membership form. Click here to become a
member to
become a member or learn more!
Wherever you live and ride in Colorado, we hope you
the chance to take part in Bike to Work Day and Bike Wednesdays throughout the year. See you out

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Francis Kohlmeyer -
Need it in Cripple Creek!!!
Erica Hine -
We’re wrapping up another excellent bike month in Colorado. Thank you to all the 150 members that joined Bicycle Colorado yesterday in celebration of Bike to Work Day! – Erica, Membership Manager
Helpful -
FYI the link above to Page not found.
Jack Todd -
Thank you! I’ve fixed it.