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Your early Colorado Gives Day gift helps make biking safer for everyone. (Click outside black box to close window.)
Give EarlyWhen you visit Colorado’s Mountains & Mesas region, you’re visiting a place that inspires awe, encountering Victorian-era mining towns, colorful farm communities, mesmerizing geography and ancient cultures that infuse the area with a majestic and distinct heritage.
We’ve curated a few incredible bike rides from around the region so that you can experience this beautiful country by two—or three!—wheels. Check out rides in Delta, Cortez, Palisade, and elsewhere in the Mountains and Mesas region by clicking through below.
A few of our favorite rides of the season throughout the Mountains & Mesas region.
The Mountains & Mesas region is home to a large percentage of Colorado’s top biking destinations. Load all your bikes—road, mountain, gravel and fatbike—and prepare to hit the trails. No matter what type and level of riding you seek, you’ll find it here.
Use these sample itineraries to plan your next bicycling adventure or explore the City Pages to learn more about places to ride in different Mountains and Mesas towns.
Know Before You Go: In Colorado, Class 1 and Class 2 E-bikes are not considered motor vehicles and are allowed on roads and multi-use paths. E-bikes, however, are still considered a motor vehicle on federal lands such as the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service. Local jurisdictions may further restrict or prohibit the use of E-bikes. Be sure to check the rules and regulations wherever you plan to ride your e-bike in Mountains & Mesas.
If you have a specific destination in mind, check out these city resources pages for ride recommendations and other things to do while you’re in town.
Individual non-profit organizations for each of the identified cities are listed under their city-specific pages. One trails group that covers much of the Mountains & Mesas area is COPMOBA, a member-supported nonprofit organization of volunteer mountain bikers that advocate for mountain biking trails in western Colorado by building and maintaining sustainable singletrack in connection with our communities. COPMOBA has four active chapters in the Mountains & Mesas travel region: Grand Valley Canyons (Palisade, Grand Junction, Fruita, Loma, Mack and the Grand Mesa), Delta Area Mountain Bikers, Montrose Uncompahgre Trails, and Ridgway Area Trails.
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