Everything you need to know about Safe Streets Day at the Capitol 2018
Want more and better options for bicycling? Want the communities where you live and work to have safer roads? Join us at the state capitol on Tuesday, February 27 to lobby for better bicycling. Safe Streets Day at the Capitol is the perfect time to show up and speak up about what is important to you. Do it for yourself, your kids, your riding buddies and individuals who can’t be there. The event is brief—from 8 to 10 a.m—and free registration includes breakfast.
Your personal stories make a significant difference, bolster our advocacy efforts and help amplify our collective voice as bicycle riders in Colorado. Your legislators want to hear from YOU, and we will make sure they know that you have showed up.
What to expect
Safe Streets Day gives you a look behind the scenes of advocacy and allows you to be part of democracy in action. We want you to feel empowered to lend your personal voice to bicycling issues facing your community and our state. Elected officials generally take seriously the concerns expressed in person by those they directly represent.
We’ll host a light breakfast, encouraging legislators and their aides to come by, grab a bite and briefly meet with any of their constituents attending. There is no schedule and no appointments; it’s more of a ‘meet and greet’ environment over breakfast.
You may only get a few minutes with your legislators. We’ll provide talking points to everyone who registers and be there to guide you should you have questions. The topics might change right up until February 27 because activity in the legislature can move fast with priorities changing rapidly. But the most important piece to share is your own personal passion for better bicycling, walking and safer streets! When meeting with s/he, be sure to share that you live and/or work in their district and that you vote!
Our goal is to meet with as many state legislators and their aides as we can to express the importance of bicycling and improving access and safety. Schedules shift quickly at the capitol, so we often try to pull legislators out of session to meet with our attendees.
Even if you don’t get to meet with him or her directly, rest assured that your presence as part of the bicycling movement still makes a big difference—strength in numbers is important! Also, legislative aides often help drive policy by acting as experts on various topics, so speaking with and educating them is just as valuable.

What’s at stake
This legislative session is an important one for bicycling and safer streets throughout Colorado. As with all political movements, the stronger our collective voice, the better. This is not a year to be sitting on the sidelines!
Currently, our efforts are focused on SB 18-049, concerning the use of mobile devices while driving. The bill, sponsored in the senate by Lois Court and in the house of representatives by Jovan Melton, aims to reduce distracted driving caused by motorists’ use of cell phones and other mobile electronic devices while driving.
Everyday, and throughout Colorado, distracted driving jeopardizes roadway safety for all users. According to AAA, people who use mobile devices while driving are two to eight times more likely to be involved in a crash than if they were not using a mobile device. On-road bicyclists and pedestrians are especially vulnerable, and your legislators will value hearing your voice in support of SB 18-049. They need to hear from you to realize how critical this issue is to Coloradans’ health and safety and the importance of this bill to protecting it.
We’ll be happy to provide more information on Safe Streets Day at the Capitol to better assist you in talking about the issue with your elected officials.
Ultimately, Safe Streets Day at the Capitol is a unique, educational and powerful experience. Take your passion for bicycling to the next level, see how easy it is to be an advocate and meet like-minded people in the process. We hope to see you there.
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