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Your early Colorado Gives Day gift helps make biking safer for everyone. (Click outside black box to close window.)
Give EarlyRegardless if you’re signing up for one or all of the races, you only need to fill out the Google Form once. A link to the next Zwift race will be emailed to you before the event.
Simply click the link from your email, which will take you to the Zwift event. Once signed up via the link, you’ll be ready to ride on Wednesday!
E 1 – 5 w/kg.
Riders may race up a category, however sandbagging in a lower power category is discouraged. Upgrades may be mandated for those who are clearly in the incorrect category. Please be sure to use your current weight when racing. These races are for fun but cheating is always discouraged.
Categories and routes are subject to change based on participation.
Website: https://www.bicyclecolorado.org/
Zwift Club: https://zwift.com/clubs/15c62b8b-6f14-49e1-8d30-8a49e4b504d6/join Discord: https://discord.gg/YWa4vqHwgK
Zwiftpower Team: https://zwiftpower.com/team.php?id=13785
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/707699906580906
Bicycle Colorado will not be responsible for any technical difficulties, including but not limited to computer crashes, Zwift software bugs, and smart trainer disconnects, as are common with virtual racing. Make sure your computer and internet connection are secure and stable for the best possible experience. It’s recommended to hardwire (vs WiFi) your internet connection for optimal results and make sure members of your household are not consuming extensive bandwidth while you are racing.
Multi-day stage mixed racing for all classes of riders, generates fatigue, and tests how far you can go against your class.
Events are PRIVATE and will not appear on the Zwift Companion App
Riders must register for the individual race via the Google Form so Bicycle Colorado can link their Zwift ID to an email address. More details can be found here: bicyclecolorado.org under the “Events” tab.
We encourage riders to race as their profile indicates so we are using category enforcement and a WKG range to restrict access to PENs by Gender. PENs will be released separately, with the time gaps set to discourage a PEN chase but given the release order, less powerful riders have the opportunity to catch a group.
All riders will see and be able to communicate with each other in the race as normal and are encouraged to join the Bicycle Colorado Discord channel to communicate during the race (just as you would outside!)
– For each stage, there are multiple race times
– Refer to the SCHEDULE page on the Bicycle Colorado website for courses
– ALL RESULTS can be found on the Bicycle Colorado website under the relevant page
– Following the successful completion of at least one event in the race, racers will receive an email AT THE END OF THE SERIES with their unique discount code for the respective qualifying races.
– Winners of the February BC Zwift Winter Series will receive a discount code for 1/2 off entry to the 2025 MAD Gravel.
Bicycle Colorado uses 3 areas to ensure riders are up to date with everything that is happening.
Website – Zwift page will show the latest race news and information
Discord – Race channel for questions, updates, and lively chat – it is by far the best place to clarify or report anything on the Race series
Invite link: https://discord.gg/YWa4vqHwgK
Bicycle Colorado Facebook Group – A place where we share intentions and thoughts for community input before we do stuff
– Smart Trainers are expected to be used as a riders PRIMARY POWER SOURCE where possible
– POWER METERS can be used as a Primary source if a Smart Trainer is not available
– zPower users are acceptable for this Race series (individuals without a smart trainer or power meter; speed and cadence sensors only)
So be SMART and use a SMART trainer as your PRIMARY power source where you can …
– We expect the best racing behavior from all riders, if riders have an issue then always contact James via email first (james@velocityventures.bike), and we will investigate every request raised.
– In a race, we do not expect riders to abuse others, flag, report to race control, screenshot, etc … riders who ignore this will be DQ’d for the race and not given a series participation award.
– Discord chat remains objective and banter – anything more will be removed and warnings/bans will be issued.
And finally, remember we all do this for fun and exercise so ride on and enjoy the Bicycle Colorado events … stay safe and if it starts to hurt then welcome to the fun zone!
(But stop if it really does hurt too much please!)
Our twitter feed is unavailable right now.