Colorado winters
It’s easy to get excited about the bicycling event season when winter delivers those beautiful 60+ degree days that we’ve enjoyed in between snowstorms.
It’s one of the secrets about Colorado winters that we selfishly hope doesn’t become known to people outside our state!
Dreaming about bicycle events
A beautiful ride on an unseasonably warm day in winter causes me to daydream about the great upcoming bicycle events in Colorado. Many of you use the Bicycle Colorado event calendar to plan your riding season. If you don’t, please check it out. Every one of the events deserves a shout-out for supporting our bicycle advocacy projects and programs.
Each of the many events we proudly promote invests in bicycle improvements and education through our Event Membership program. They have chosen Bicycle Colorado as one of the beneficiaries of their event and a select few have chosen Bicycle Colorado as the primary beneficiary: Icon LASIK Tour of the Moon, Subaru VeloSwap and the Coldwell Banker Denver Century Ride.
In the beginning

Like many young bicycle advocacy groups, Bicycle Colorado launched a fundraising ride back in the day, thanks to some amazing volunteers. Yet it wasn’t long before we exited the business, choosing instead to ask events to support our work rather than competing with their rides.
Our strong membership reach, email communications and website have allowed us to promote partner events and earn the support of event directors. And our reach has grown significantly over the years.
I’m sure some of you remember when the reach of Bicycle Colorado to its members and supporters was required to overcome a serious threat to bicycle events. A community of almost 20,000 bicyclists joined Bicycle Colorado over a period of many months to ensure the continuation of bicycle events and create a supportive environment for organizers.
Bicycle Colorado and the bicycling community currently enjoy a strong, cooperative working relationship with state and local government agencies, including law enforcement and transportation departments that provide permitting and support for bicycle events.
The support of Bicycle Colorado Event Members adds to our ability to work with the Colorado Legislature, the Governor’s office, regional transportation authorities, the Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado State Patrol, the Colorado Tourism Office and more.

We are beginning to see some significant changes in the investment choices leaders are making with the more than $3 billion spent on transportation annually in our state. These changes are facilitated, in large part, by the involvement of Bicycle Colorado and its partners—supported by members.
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, in bicycle advocacy it takes a “village” of individuals, events, organizations and businesses to protect and improve our access, safety and education for better bicycling.
Thanks to the many events who have partnered with Bicycle Colorado to advance our mutual interests and be sure to visit our event calendar.
Enjoy the Colorado winter, but be sure to tell out-of-town friends, “It’s too cold and snowy to ride.” And if you’re not yet a member of the bicycle advocacy “village,” join today.
See you out on the bike.
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