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Candidate Questionnaire: Get to know your candidates for the Colorado Senate

As Election Day approaches and mail-in ballots begin to arrive at Coloradans’ doorsteps, we want to help our members, subscribers and followers make informed decisions about who they are voting for in statewide contests.

In early September we sent this candidate questionnaire to every person running for seats in the Colorado Senate and Colorado House of Representatives. Seats up for grabs in the Colorado Senate in 2020 are in districts 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33 and 35.

Below, you can read responses from every candidate running for the Colorado Senate who responded to our survey. To view responses from candidates running for the Colorado House of Representatives, please click here.

Please note: As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Bicycle Colorado is unable to endorse or donate to candidates running for office. The responses below do not serve as an endorsement of any kind, but are intended to give you an informed look at who seeks to represent you in the State Legislature when it comes to bicycling and roadway safety issues.

We have not edited the below responses in any way.

Not sure what legislative district you live in? Click here to find out.

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Senate District 4 – Douglas County

Senator Jim Smallwood

Did not respond.




Candidate Elissa Flaumenhaft

Did not respond.

Senate District 8 – Garfield, Grand, Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt and Summit Counties

Senator Bob Rankin

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Road, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Karl Hanlon

Did not respond.

Senate District 10 – El Paso County

Candidate Larry Liston

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Possibly, I need to hear both sides of this issue

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support this issue

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

In urban areas, yes. In rural areas, No.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Randy McCallian

Did not respond.

Senate District 12 – El Paso County

Senator Bob Gardner

Did not respond.




Candidate Electra Johnson

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Gravel, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I think its incredibly important

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


Senate District 14 – Larimer County

Senator Joann Ginal

Did not respond.




Candidate Hans Hochheimer

Did not respond.

Senate District 17 – Boulder County

Candidate Matthew Menza 

Did not respond.




Candidate Sonya Jaquez Lewis

Did not respond.

Senate District 18 – Boulder County

Senator Steve Fenberg

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Family biking, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support significantly increasing funding for safe infrastructure projects and will advocate for including it in a meaningful way in any transportation deal in 2021. I also support enforceable policies to reduce distracted driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Peg Cage

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Gravel

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I would have to study this before working to institute a new law.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I believe the problem is more with the people than the infrastructure. The extreme budget shortfalls facing Colorado in the next legislative session will necessitate some innovative spending restructuring. In an age of short attention spans, short tempers, and careless, distracted drivers, I believe Drivers’ Education must be strengthened and the consequences for distracted driving increased. I would love to see local government utilities, etc., support groups such as this by offering to allow their educational literature in mailings to customers.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes, I would support policies that encourage the use of alternative modes of transit. Perhaps Bicycle Colorado could lead an advocacy of using some of the tax dollars already collected for light rail projects to purchase the land necessary and use it for bike traffic until funding is available for rails and trains.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Colorado is facing extreme budget shortfalls in the next legislative session which will necessitate some innovative spending restructuring. Increases in funding for ANY and ALL projects will need to be scrutinized against providing the most basic services that the state is required to provide. I would strongly support the reduction of regulations that may be keeping private organizations from creating ride-sharing or other traffic reducing programs.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

That sounds like a cost-free, life saving program and I would like to consider adopting it. I wonder why it is not law now if it was considered back in 2017. I’ll need to study that.

Senate District 19 – Boulder County

Senator Rachel Zenzinger

Did not respond. 




Candidate Lynn T. Gerber

Did not respond.

Senate District 21 – Adams County

Senator Dominick Moreno

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support taking measures to reduce the prevalence of distracted driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Martin Mendez

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Bike path

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I require more information to thoughtfully answer this question. Like where, how, why and who pays for it?

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Personal responsibility goes a long way. Please don’t rely on government to solve all of life’s problems. Responsible civil behavior is the answer, not necessarily more “funding”. How much funding is already dedicated to safe and attentive roadway behavior? And where is that funding coming from? And how many of those 632 Coloradoan roadway deaths in 2018 were riding a bicycle?

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

I require more information – are you talking about commuting? I drive 50 miles a day for my commute – trust me, I am not taking a bicycle or a bus (there are none) and certainly not on icy, snowy roads in the cold of winter.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

I require more information to thoughtfully answer your question.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I don’t know what BIPOC stands for and I am unfamiliar with the CAN DO Colorado campaign. I know I don’t like it when I see people on bicycles blow past stop signs, I think that is very dangerous. Somebody’s going to get killed. You say Colorado Safety Stop “has been proven to increase roadway safety for all users”, but you don’t provide the proof. Where is the proof? I want to see it so I can support a statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop.

Senate District 23 – Broomfield, Larimer and Weld Counties

Candidate Barbara Kirkmeyer

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

As a county commissioner, I have a record of funding or promoting funding for safety projects on the county and state system. I have worked with numerous communities in Weld County, the Upper Front Range transportation planning region, the North Front Range MPO and the DRCOG area of my county. to develop walking paths and bike trails. Also, at the county level, while we are largely rural, I have been instrumental in pushing for wider shoulders on our main arterials, which greatly enhances safer mobility for all forms of transportation modes. And we do include bike trails in our county transportation plan.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

I understand the issue we face as a state to reduce GHG emissions and support working together to find more opportunities to reduce those emissions. I would need to see the specific policy/policies before I can commit to supporting.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, I have in the past and will in the future. In fact, last year I brought forward a project in the North Front Range MPO to start the planning now for a regional transit system. Welcome the opportunity to speak to you about the idea, the planning includes both intraregional between our cities, hospitals and job centers and then looking at opportunities within our communities to connect to a regional system.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Generally speaking, programs that are cost neutral and increase roadway safety for all users is a program I would support. I would appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the Colorado Safety Stop policy.




Candidate Sally Boccella

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support it

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


Senate District 25 – Adams County

Senator Kevin Priola

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Touring

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

It depends on the project.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?


Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Paula Dickerson

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, I believe automated traffic enforcement is an effective way to reduce speed, impact policing encounters and change driver behavior that results in accidents and fatalities.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We must reduce distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel. Distracted driving is a public safety hazard that can be reduced with proactive funding for education campaigns and safe infrastructure projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes, I do commit to supporting policies that will encourage and increase opportunities to bike, walk and take transit instead of driving.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, building in source funding for walking, biking and transit is necessary as we plan for growth and invest in future infrastructure projects.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, I support the Colorado Safety Stop policy.

Senate District 26 – Arapahoe County

Senator Jeff Bridges

Did not respond. 




Candidate Bob Roth

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, depending on the enforcement and how the program works

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am in support of reducing distracted driving in any way possible

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes. And as the Chair of DRCOG, I was a proponent of several “last mile” bike/ped projects in the City of Aurora

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


Senate District 27 – Arapahoe County

Candidate Chris Kolker

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I do not have an opinion for or against at this time. I would need to learn more.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am in support of these type of projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies Yes. that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, but it will not be a top priority in the next year due to our economy and restrictions placed on us by TABOR.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I am unsure and would need to study it more.




Candidate Suzanne Staiert

Did not respond.

Senate District 28 – Arapahoe County

Candidate Dr. Karl Stecher, Jr.

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike, can’t do it now…need knee surgery

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

No..I have seen dishonest use of cameras (cutting down orange time) and unreliable traffic courts

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

This (distracted driving) instruction and awareness is incredibly important, esp in high schools. I saw recently a movie exposing how little time away from concentrating on the road can lead to crashes. NO texting while driving. I am against any tax increase, but would direct funding in place to emphasize distracted awareness and prevention.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

I would need specifics re. any bill, but the motives seem good.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Again, need to see the bill and specifics.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Absolutely not. I see bicyclists disobey traffic laws all the time. It got so bad at Cherry Creek State Park that they had to post signs saying bicyclists must obey all traffic laws. Just two days ago I was stopped at a red light southbound on Dayton next to Cherry Creek High School, waiting to make a left turn, when a woman in her racing gear came around me on the right, without stopping or slowing down turned left in front of me and ran the red light as she made a left turn. Blatant disregard for the law, and very dangerous. A significant portion of bicyclists flout traffic laws now. Those stop signs and red lights are there for a reason. I recall the diagram of the woman (just a regular citizen, not a racer) who was killed on South Downing last year. Bicycles are vehicles and suffer the disadvantage of being less visible to others than cars, already creating a danger. Of course if no law exists, police interaction would be reduced! Would you please send me a reference re. how this increases roadway safety, as I had not heard of that.




Candidate Janet Buckner

Did not respond.

Senate District 29 – Arapahoe County

Senator Rhonda Fields

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

yes — these measures over time will change behaviors

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We must ensure a safer world, which includes distracted driving. I support vehicle safety for all drivers to protect all on our roads.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes, I support investing in bike and walking transit.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, I believe that all streets would be safer for all people by using other modes of transit: biking and walking.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, many cyclists already treat stop sigss as yield and red lights as stop. We need a standardized ordinance that is bike-friendly traffic regulation.

Senate District 31 – Arapahoe and Denver Counties

Senator Chris Hansen

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Family biking, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I sponsored and passed the bill in the Senate to address the distracted driving issue and I am actively working on a transportation package that includes large investments in transit and safe bike lanes.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Absolutely, 100%

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, and I sponsored and passed that bill when I was in the House

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, and I sponsored and passed that bill when I was in the House




Candidate Doug Townsend

Did not respond.

Senate District 33 – Denver County

Candidate James Coleman

Did not respond.

Senate District 35 – Alamosa, Baca, Bent, Conejos, Costilla, Crowley, Custer, Huerfano, Kiowa, Las Animas, Mineral, Otero, Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Grande and Saguache Counties

Candidate Carols Lopez

Did not respond.




Candidate Cleave Simpson

Did not respond.

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Bicycle Colorado

About the Author: Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Denver. We use advocacy, education and passion to make Colorado one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the nation. We encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions and provide a voice for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. With the support of our members and numerous partnerships across the public and private sector, we’ve made significant strides in improving bicycling since 1992.


Patrick Garofallou - Reply

If I am reading it right, I live in senate district 34 which doesn’t appear to have a line item in your report on representatives opinions.

Is this because no one from district 34 responded? Julie Gonzales is district 34’s current senator:


    Aishwarya Krishnamoorthy - Reply

    Hi Patrick! Senate District 34 isn’t listed because that seat is not up for election this year. These surveys were only for seats for which there are races in 2020. Hope this helps!


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