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Candidate Questionnaire: Get to know your candidates for the Colorado House of Representatives

As Election Day approaches and mail-in ballots begin to arrive at Coloradans’ doorsteps, we want to help our members, subscribers and followers make informed decisions about who they are voting for in statewide contests.

In early September we sent this candidate questionnaire to every person running for seats in the Colorado House of Representatives and Colorado Senate. Every seat in the Colorado House is up for grabs this year. 

Below, you can read responses from every candidate running for the Colorado House of Representatives who responded to our survey. To view responses from candidates running for the Colorado Senate, please click here.

Please note: As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Bicycle Colorado is unable to endorse or donate to candidates running for office. The responses below do not serve as an endorsement of any kind, but are intended to give you an informed look at who seeks to represent you in the State Legislature when it comes to bicycling and roadway safety issues.

We have not edited the below responses in any way. 

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House District 1 – Denver and Jefferson Counties

Representative Susan Lontine

Did not respond.




Candidate Samantha Koch

Did not respond.

House District 2 – Denver County

Representative Alec Garnett

Did not respond.




Candidate Victoria Partridge

Did not respond.

House District 3 – Arapahoe County

Representative Meg Froelich

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am in favor of measures to reduce distracted driving and cell phone use but I am uncertain about proactive funding of safe infrastructure projects – certainly in the next few budget cycles.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Again, we won’t be able to increase funding of anything in the next few years but I am in favor of several measures to raise funds specifically for transportation and would certainly commit to placing a priority on infrastructure for walking, biking and transit.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Bill Klocek

Did not respond.

House District 4 – Denver County

Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez

Did not respond.




Candidate Grant Price

Did not respond.

House District 5 – Denver County

Representative Alex Valdez

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a year

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

In most cases yes, so long as they are deployed not only in affluent areas

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, I live in an area with extensive biking infrastructure that is well done.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Jonathan Woodley 

Did not respond. 

House District 6 – Denver County

Representative Steven Woodrow

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I supported Sen. Court’s hands-free bill.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, this is a valuable program designed to save lives and reduce police interactions.




Candidate Bill McAleb

Did not respond.

House District 7 – Denver County

Candidate Jennifer Bacon

Did not respond.

House District 8 – Denver County

Representative Leslie Herod

Did not respond.

House District 9 – Arapahoe and Denver Counties

Representative Emily Sirota

Did not respond.




Candidate Larry Braig

Did not respond.

House District 10 – Boulder County

Representative Edie Hooton

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, because excessive speed and rushing to get through intersections are dangerous behaviors, yet completely avoidable. Obviously, I don’t have to tell you that cyclists or pedestrians are at risk for serious injury if the driver of a heavy motorized vehicle hits them at high speed. It’s unfortunate that certain drivers might get unexpected tickets due to automated enforcement, but the first ticket in theory should encourage better attention to speed limits and traffic controls into the future. I’ve been a member of the House Transportation and Local Government Committee for the past two years, and we defeated a bill seeking to ban automated enforcement in 2019. During the committee hearing, safety was a powerful argument for keeping automated enforcement in place.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We should do everything we can to reduce distracted driving, and I would support funding for infrastructure projects in the interest of safer commuting for everyone. In this time of fiscal constraint, solutions don’t need to be complex or awfully expensive. For example, simple rumble strips might alert inattentive drivers when they’re veering out of their lanes, or actual divided lanes marked off with bollards or other barriers provide visual and physical means of separation between drivers and cyclists. Signage also might be effective, assuming the driver’s paying attention to signs. Of course the legislature should be willing to reduce distracted driving due to mobile device use through legislation and penalties. We passed a ban on texting while driving some time ago, and we’ve passed laws keeping minors from using cell phones while driving. This year, we introduced a bill that would have prohibited using a mobile device while driving unless it was hands-free, and it passed the Senate, but it did not move forward because we had too many bills to deal with after suspending the 2020 session due to the pandemic. Had it come to the House, I would have supported it. I anticipate we’ll get this type of bill passed and signed into law in future sessions.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes. Trips of less than 10 miles by automobile are not only a major source of GHG emissions, they also contribute to local congestion and wear on road surfaces, plus demand for parking spaces. Having good infrastructure makes it more convenient for people to use alternative transportation, and once drivers learn that alternate modes work they may make using them part of their regular routines. In 2018 Proposition 110 was proposed, which would have devoted significant revenue to local transportation solutions like bike and pedestrian infrastructure and transit improvements. The proposition failed but it shone some light on the value of local transportation infrastructure in reducing GHG emissions and local congestion, plus it helped local officials consider priority projects in their areas that could have become possible had 110 passed. Biking and walking are also great ways to get exercise and sunshine, and hopefully fresh air once the wildfires subside.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes. It’s generally easier for people to understand traffic laws if they’re uniform statewide instead of a patchwork of different laws from city to city or county to county. However, making the Colorado Safety Stop a statewide law would require some public education, which is not a bad idea anyway since so many people really don’t understand cycling laws. I definitely would also prefer one less reason for law enforcement to contact people, BIPOC or otherwise, unless for some reason a cyclist’s behavior actually has an impact on safety. The current state Colorado Safety Stop law has guidelines for when treating a stop sign as a yield sign is legal and when it isn’t, and in most cases those following the practices identified in this law are not endangering anybody.




Candidate Kenneth Stickney

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Gravel, Road, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I would support it if it’s expanded use is limited to areas where bike-car interactions and accidents are occuring.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I cannot support such improvements without knowing exactly what they are and exactly how effective they are. Otherwise, they could be a waste of money.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Given how little bike and walking paths are used in my city of Boulder, and how little demand there is for public transit, we are not getting much return for the public monies that are being spent on them. I think the best change for reduction of GHG emissions is by the continued and inevitable adoption of electric vehicles by the public, and the reduction in GHG would of course be a function of how much electricity is generated by fossil free sources.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Increased funding for this sort of infrastructure should only occur where there is clear demand for it. Build it and they will come is not the best strategy. I do support requiring new housing developments to provide infrastructure that connects to the existing, surrounding infrastructure.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, absolutely

House District 11 – Boulder County

Candidate Karen McCormick

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Gravel, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I would love to see increased funding for safe infrastructure projects to help decrease those harmed through distracted driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I would like more information on this policy, how it would be implemented and the data on benefits to communities.




Candidate Mark Milliman

Did not respond.

House District 12 – Boulder County

Candidate Tracey Bernett

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?


What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I have been the victim of distracted driving several times, resulting in serious injury. I am a world class runner, and the last accident cost me my dream of placing in one of the top positions in my age group in the New York City Marathon. I suffered severe whiplash, which took 10 months of therapy for me to regain my former conditioning. As a runner, I share the road, much like bicyclists, whom I consider my brothers and sisters in athleticism and enjoying Colorado’s great outdoors. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been forced to jump off the road due to distracted or aggressive drivers. Cell phones should not be used while driving…period.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Absolutely. I believe we have a climate crisis, and it is going to take an “all of the above” effort to combat this threat to our very existence. I also have asthma, and my son nearly died of an asthma attack when he was a toddler. Combatting both the climate crisis and our abysmal air quality on the Front Range are some of my highest priorities.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Eric Davila

Did not respond.

House District 13 – Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Grand, and Jackson Counties

Candidate Judy Amabile

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Road, Touring

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Generally yes I do support them. We have to apply an equity lens in deciding locations and fines.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We need both improved infrastructure and better rules around distracted driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes. Again we must apply an equity lens to how we distribute resources.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, but this is going to be a tough budget year at the legislature. I have and will continue to support measures that either repeal all or parts of TABOR so that we have more funding for important issues like this.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes. As a a cyclist this change makes a lot of sense.




Candidate Kevin Sipple

Did not respond. 

House District 14 – El Paso County

Representative Shane Sandridge

Did not respond.




Candidate John Foley

Did not respond.

House District 15 – El Paso County

Representative Dave Williams

Did not respond.




Candidate John Pyne IV

Did not respond.

House District 16 – El Paso County

Candidate Stephanie Vigil

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike, I’d love to again, but I’m honestly too scared of COS drivers to ride a bike here.

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

In general, I’m a proponent of using good planning to draw out our best behaviors, rather than waiting for something bad to happen and then finding someone to punish for it. We definitely need more visible and noticeable crosswalks, and structures like roundabouts that require greater attention and prevent accidents.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes! Advancing public transportation is a huge part of my platform and policy goals. We’ve largely neglected to develop cohesive neighborhoods with adequate walk-able spaces in Colorado Springs, and when we connect the entire Front Range via rail, we’re going to need additional resources for urban centers like COS to be a well integrated stop along that route.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes; this is how everybody rides their bike in Chicago and it is a non-issue.




Candidate Andres G. Pico

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Gravel, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Where applicable based on traffic and survey data.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support the concept and am interested in researching this area. This is applicable to more than biking.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes if this is part of a broad, integrated transportation plan.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I am willing to consider this.

House District 17 – El Paso County

Representative Tony Exum

Did not respond.




Candidate Robert Blancken

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Distracted drivers are dangerous drivers. Ticketing and having good traffic court judges.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

As a citizen is your choice in how you commute.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

No, we have high taxation in my community now that is funding public transit and roadways.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I do not support Gov. polis plan.

House District 18 – El Paso County

Representative Marc Snyder

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?


What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?


Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate George Rapko

Did not respond. 

House District 19 – El Paso County

Representative Tim Geitner

Did not respond.




Candidate Joe Thompson

Did not respond.

House District 20 – El Paso County

Representative Terri Carver 

Did not respond.




Candidate Meg Fossinger

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Gravel, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I would have to look into it further. I am not familiar enough with the pros and cons of this issue.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

In 2014, my best friends daughter was killed when the driver of her vehicle looked down to check a text and lost control of his vehicle. She was 16 years old. Distracted driving puts everyone on the road at risk and I support investing in evidence-based policies to combat it.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes. Investing in alternative transportation benefits all of us by increasing access to economic opportunities, lowering emissions, and providing safe ways for physical activities.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Once our budget is stabilized, absolutely. With school funding being cut significantly due to economic crisis caused by COVID-19, we must prioritize what we are funding. Public transportation is high on the list for me, after ensuring that our communities basic needs, such as food, housing assistance, medical services, and education are met.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes. As a regular bike rider, I recognize that this increases safety, especially at stop lights where moving with traffic through narrow intersections can be hazardous.

House District 21 – El Paso County

Candidate Liz Rosenbaum

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?


What kind of biking do you do?

When my kids were younger we did a lot of bike rides, they are all older and out of the house now and we don’t ride bikes anymore. Gifted them to another young family

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

yes, lighted up speed signs are very useful in school zone areas where vision is difficult on curves and makes sure people know there are more pedestrians / bikes in the areas

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We need a better warning systems on the roads (what I call rumble strips, I am from IA and that is what we call them) on the edges, middle, and up to stop signs

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

YES! I am especially excited about a Front Range Rail system, and if we also plan for bikes to be stored on the cars, then people can get off and bike the remaining way to their destinations. Also, the paid biking systems are nice as well.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

yes, and I’d like to expand this for motorized scooters in a safer area since the speeds are higher than walking, they need to be in a bike lane and encouraged safety gear.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

This would have to also include an educational format, because drivers are going to be calling in cases of people not stopping at a red light etc, and then law enforcement would be interacting w/ BIPOC.




Candidate Mary Bradfield

Did not respond.

House District 22 – Jefferson County

Representative Colin Larson

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Transportation infrastructure investments (along with education) Should be the state budgets two priority areas. The economic situation created by COVID19 induced shutdowns will almost certainly mean the 2021 state budget will face unprecedented cuts so new funding is not likely however it will be important to ensure that transportation funding remains a priority item and is not cut disproportionate to the rest of the budget.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

I would need additional information on specific policies but I am generally in favor of supporting outdoor recreation opportunities.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Please see my answer to the previous question with regard to the 2021 budget situation.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I support uniform enforcement and application of road laws across the entire state since having a patchwork of traffic laws across the state creates an unsafe road situation for both bicyclists and motorists. I would need more information on safety and traffic incidents with regards to the Colorado safety stop as a specific policy but I am certainly open to the conversation.




Candidate Mary Parker

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support legislation that would make it illegal to use a cell phone unless it is hands-free while driving through proactive funding of infrastructure projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes, absolutely.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes. I will also support efforts to increase state revenue, such as the elimination of Gallagher and TABOR.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 23 – Jefferson County

Representative Chris Kennedy

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Road, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I’m open to it. The argument above is compelling, and I would like to learn more.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We need many infrastructure improvements, and I’ve consistently supported efforts to find revenues that can be used for these investments. I certainly think that encouraging safe and attentive driving should be part of the solution.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, I think it would be helpful if all jurisdictions had consistent rules. I’m not sure whether or not it makes sense to force local governments to adopt the safety stop rule, but I’m certainly willing to encourage them. And I’m open to discussing a statewide mandate.




Candidate Fred Clifford 

Did not respond. 

House District 24 – Jefferson County

Representative Monica Duran

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?


Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Laurel Imer

Did not respond. 

House District 25 – Jefferson County

Representative Lisa Cutter

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Gravel, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support any efforts to reduce distracted driving, including funding (as possible with budget limitations) for safe infrastructure projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Absolutely. One of my primary issues at the legislature is the environment and sustainability. Reducing traffic and related pollution is essential to protecting our environment and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, as possible given budget limitations.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Donald Rosier

Did not respond.

House District 26 – Eagle and Routt Counties

Representative Dylan Roberts

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am a strong supporter of reducing distracted driving and cell phone use through all possible means, including funding for safe infrastructure projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes – in fact, I have requested the bill title for this and look forward to working on it.

House District 27 – Jefferson County

Representative Brianna Titone

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I do! I think automated enforcement in areas with high biker traffic is essential — anecdotally, myself and my campaign manager had areas we bike become much safer with red light cameras installed near previously dangerous intersections.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am working with Rep. Michaelson Jenet on a bill to reduce distracted driving at the moment! All evidence points to distracted driving being even more dangerous than drunk driving, and most efforts to reduce it through a “positive punishment” style have been ineffective. We need to offer constructive ways to prevent people from using their phones while driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Absolutely! While consumer pollution/greenhouse gas production accounts for a small sliver of the overall pollution in our world, supporting green and healthy forms of transit only has benefits for the population. If we could even get 25% of people in HD27 to commute via non-car transportation, transit times would be faster, our streets would be cleaner and easier to navigate, and accidents would go down.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Always, it helps with the health and wellbeing of our community, as well as decreasing traffic and noise pollution.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes. I don’t know how much I can elaborate on this given its seemingly obvious simplicity — cyclists have better stopping than cars, travel at slower speeds, and carry so much less momentum in the form of mass. This all means that within reason, they should be given more leeway to operate within their judgement in comparison to cars.




Candidate Vicki Pyne 

Did not respond. 

House District 28 – Jefferson County

Representative Kerry Tipper

Did not respond.




Candidate Pedro Roybal

Did not respond.

House District 29 – Jefferson County

Candidate Lindsey Daugherty

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Road, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I am a frequent biker and will support legislation to make the roads safer for everyone.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I actually help give presentations to high school students focused on ending distracted driving so this is something that is very important to me. We need to do whatever we can to limit distractions while driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, I support anything we can do to make the roads safer for everyone and increase the numbers of people biking and walking in Colorado.




Candidate Vanessa Warren-DeMott

Did not respond.

House District 30 – COUNTY NAME

Candidate Dafna Michaelson Jenet

Did not respond.




Candidate Kerrie Gutierrez

Did not respond.

House District 31 – Adams County

Representative Yadira Caraveo

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Indoor Cycling

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, as long as the actions taken by law enforcement or municipalities based on automated enforcement does not disproportionately impact low income people. Automatic enforcement can serve as an effective deterrent of poor driving behavior and we just need to make sure that its utilization does not lead to the negative impacts that have arisen from biased policing in low income communities and communities of color.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We need to make sure that we improve our infrastructure with multimodal transit in mind. That means prioritizing safety for our walkers and bikers. As for addressing distracted driving, we need to take action, yet we must make sure that reforms do not lead to an increase in profiling, traffic stops, and interactions with the police. We know that increasing enforcement will lead to the adverse effects we have observed in communities of color and those who have been historically targeted by the police.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes. This is critical for promoting public health and achieving our carbon reduction goals.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Absolutely. Multimodal transportation is essential for healthy, sustainable communities.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, this is a good measure to improve roadway safety.

House District 32 – Adams County

Representative Adrienne Benavidez

Did not respond.




Candidate Tony Caputo

Did not respond.

House District 33 – Boulder and Broomfield Counties

Representative Matt Gray

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I think that the local control model here works, and have resisted efforts to remove local governments’ ability to use automated enforcement. I’d need to hear more about a statewide mandate for use even if not preferred by local law enforcement, but I’d be happy to discuss the issue.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Now we’re talking! As transportation chair, I’ve been working as hard as possible to get more funding for infrastructure and myself and Senator Winter have always said that infrastructure funding must include multimodal transportation methods, including bicycles. It’s really hard, especially in these times, but we’re working on it.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes indeed.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes indeed. See the answer to the previous question, but Senator Winter and I are working on it as actively as you can in a pandemic/recession.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Mindy Quiachon

Did not respond.

House District 34 – Adams County

Representative Kyle Mullica

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, we need to reduce traffic injuries and encourage safe driving in a way that does not increase traffic stops.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We need to make sure that we encourage safe behavior through a variety of ways, and improving our infrastructure to help people pay attention through rumble strips and other features can help. We also have to craft laws to deter the use of handheld devices while driving without increasing traffic stops and causing potential problems for communities that have been impacted by overpolicing.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes, we must reduce the number of cars on the road in order to reduce pollution and improve roadway safety.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes, we must ensure that all Coloradans can get around their community by biking, walking, and public transit.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, as long as everyone on a roadway knows about the new rules and follows them accordingly so that implementation is done safely.




Candidate Mark Bromley

Did not respond.

House District 35 – Adams County

Representative Shannon Bird

Did not respond.




Candidate Roger Lehman

Did not respond.

House District 36 – Arapahoe County

Representative Mike Weissman

Did not respond.




Candidate Dustin Bishop

Did not respond.

House District 37 – Arapahoe County

Representative Tom Sullivan

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t bike

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, I support efforts to increase safety on our roadways.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am supportive of efforts to reduce distracted driving including through infrastructure improvements to make our roads safer for all who use them.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes. I took the bus to the Capitol every day and absolutely support measures to increase the use of public transit and alternative modes of transportation.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Caroline Cornell

Did not respond.

House District 38 – Arapahoe County

Representative Richard Champion

Did not respond.




Candidate David Ortiz

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Family biking, Gravel, Road, Mountain, All adaptive. I am a paraplegic and live life in a wheelchair.

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes, I do. It’s a matter of public safety and accountability.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes I do.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes I will.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, I am open to supporting the statewide adoption. I will need more info and guidance from your organization on this matter.

House District 39 – Douglas and Teller Counties

Representative Mark Baisley

Did not respond. 




Candidate Ian Chapman

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Mountain, I grew up racing BMX when I was a kid.

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I have concerns about the constitutional issues associated with enforcing automated enforcement.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am in favor of improving critical infrastructure, including Colorado’s roadways.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 40 – Arapahoe County

Candidate Naquetta Ricks

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes. I am supportive of any safety measure that helps decreases traffic crashes.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Of course, I am for reducing distracted driving. I am certainly willing to learn about the infrastructure improvement projects that can contribute to safe driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes. These efforts contribute to multiple areas of society, but most of all in our environmental crisis.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes. This will help in our necessary transition from fossil fuel.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I would consider this on a limited basis to actually see if there is an improvement for all members of the the transporting public. We all have a responsibility to follow the rules. Drivers might say the same thing to reduce their interactions with police. We need to find a spot that works for all.




Candidate Richard Bassett

Did not respond.

House District 41 – Arapahoe County

Candidate Robert L. Andrews

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am 100% supportive of this policy; anything to save lives.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes; biking is a Green initiative that I can wrap my mind around.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Iman Jodeh

Did not respond.

House District 42 – Arapahoe County

Representative Dominique Jackson

Did not respond.

House District 43 – COUNTY NAME

Representative Kevin Van Winkle

Did not respond.




Candidate Jennifer Mitkowski

Did not respond.

House District 44 – Douglas County

Representative Kim Ransom

Did not respond. 




Candidate Kyra D. Storojev

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Road, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support safe infrastructure projects, and increased safety in all areas of our community.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 45 – Douglas County

Representative Patrick Neville

Did not respond.




Candidate Katie Barrett

Did not respond.

House District 46 – Pueblo County

Representative Daneya Esgar

Did not respond.




Candidate Jonathan Ambler

Did not respond.

House District 47 – Fremont, Otero and Pueblo Counties

Representative Bri Buentello

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Touring

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am in favor of reducing distracted driving through any means that has been shown to be effective. We must be proactive and not reactive when it comes to keeping our streets safe for all bikers, cyclists, drivers and pedestrians.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Yes absolutely

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Absolutely. We can meaningfully reduce our emissions, save people money on gas, and give them more access to a safe and fun way to commute.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes absolutely. It’s effective and safe and doesn’t add to the budget in the middle of a crisis.




Candidate Stephanie Luck

Did not respond.

House District 48 – Weld County

Candidate Holly Herson

Did not respond.




Candidate Tonya Van Beber

Did not respond.

House District 49 – Larimer and Weld Counties

Candidate Mike Lynch

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a year

What kind of biking do you do?

Gravel, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am in favor of this measure, but not willing to fund it from state funds

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Yara Zokaie

Did not respond.

House District 50 – Weld County

Representative Mary Young

Did not respond.

House District 51 – Larimer County

Representative Hugh McKean

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I would have to see the proposed projects. It will be difficult to do anything new in this budget cycle.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

I would have to look at what is proposed.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

This budget cycle will be very difficult but I will look at projects specifically for their cost/benefit.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Best left as a local decision.

House District 52 – Larimer County

Representative Cathy Kipp

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

I don’t use my bicycle nearly often enough

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Yes. I support solutions which have better outcomes at lower costs.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I’m not sure what kind of infrastructure improvements you are talking about and would like to understand this better. I am in favor of doing what we can to reduce distracted driving. I also know that Colorado’s budget situation is pretty dire, so money for all uses is scarce. Colorado is looking at more budget cuts in 2021 on top of the extensive budget cuts we had to make in 2020. While your suggestions may be a good ones, the state not having any money to invest in our public safety infrastructure is a huge issue.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Colorado’s budget situation is pretty dire, so money for all uses is scarce. Colorado is looking at more budget cuts in 2021 on top of the extensive budget cuts we had to make in 2020. While I generally support these types of items, right now we’re looking at cuts not additional spending.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?





Candidate Donna Walter

Did not respond.

House District 53 – Larimer County

Representative Jeni Arndt

Did not respond.

House District 54 – Delta and Mesa Counties

Representative Matt Soper

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Gravel, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

More education. I also think we can fund police better to crack down on careless and reckless driving. I would support safe infrastructure projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, as a matter of fact it was my predecessor, Rep Willett who got the law passed. I would like to see it adopted statewide!




Candidate AliceMarie Slaven-Emond, APRN

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

A mandate for ear phones (for the cell phone) or hands free driving would be a good activity.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

I want the right of way for Amtrack so they are not a second class citizen. A monorail from Casper to Trindad on the front range is critical necessity in my beliefs. Needs to stop at significant communities where rail commuter passengers would be of the greater populace.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

If we have them, then we can spend them. The mass transit community of “BUSTANG” is very viable all over Colorado and need not be just the I-70 corridor.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 55 – Mesa County

Representative Janice Rich

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

Undecided. I would want to read a proposed Bill in its entirety before commenting.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I believe I could support hands-free use of cell phone use.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Undecided. I would want to know the fiscal impacts as well.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Undecided. How will this get paid for?

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

I believe I could support this.




Candidate Scott Beilfuss

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking, Road

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I’m totally in favor of automated signs, messages, etc. We don’t have any speed cameras here so I’m not sure if we are looking at them.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Absolutely, I’m sure there are a lot of things we can do to discourage distracted driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

yes! I just talked to the college here about that…they keep spreading out their parking which creates giant heat sinks and urban blight. This town and county is very slow on working on commuting and bike travel issues. They study them like crazy and don’t do anything. I recently talked with the GJ planner about a conjested area here that needs expanded shoulders, striping, etc and he laughed at me. They are planning tons of extra lanes for more cars and very little for bikes or public transit…we have a lot of work to do here.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

yes. With a note that you have to monitor the projects as money is often siphoned off for other projects.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes! What are waiting for?!

House District 56 – Adams and Arapahoe Counties 

Representative Rod Bockenfeld

Did not respond.




Candidate Guigi Carminati

Did not respond.

House District 57 – Garfield, Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties

Representative Perry Will

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

The true issue with cell phone use is texting not so much talking on the phone, and especially with hands free, I think texting and looking at facebook etc is the true issue and shouldn’t even be allowed at a stop light, very distracting

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

sure within reason, I don’t advocate spending millions of dollars on bike paths but where practical and appropriate funding is secured yes. I am against loop mtn. bike trails through wildlife habitat

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Yes but depending on the source of the funding, pay to play is my motto

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

A stop sign is a stop sign and a stop light is the same, all traveling public needs to stop at all stop signs and traffic lights, pretty simple whether in a vehicle, bike or motorcycle, ATV whatever




Candidate Colin Wilhelm

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Commuting/urban biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

As a criminal defense attorney I worry about potential 4th amendment violations with automated enforcement in any situation.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

We must do this. I was surprised to learn when I moved out here that talking or texting while driving wasn’t illegal like it is in so many parts of the Country. The legislature has made some updates to this issue but we can take it further.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 58 – Dolores, Montezuma, Montrose and San Miguel Counties

Representative Marc Catlin

Did not respond.




Candidate Seth Cagin

Did not respond.

House District 59 – Archuleta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Ouray and San Juan Counties

Representative Barbara McLachlan

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Every day

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

I do support this. Bicycle/auto accidents seem to be happening more and more frequently in a variety of areas. Automated traffic enforcement is necessary to reduce the numbers of the preventable accidents.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am very supportive of this. Durango has taken efforts to create bike lanes at safe distances from heavy traffic. The green lines and lanes have been very successful at keeping both drivers and riders aware of each other. I would like to see more of this, or something similar, done throughout Colorado. And yes, we would all like people to get off their darned phones while driving.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Absolutely. This pandemic showed us how blue our skies are without all the cars on the road. Locally, bike sales have gone up, and more and more people are walking on our bike trails. If together, we can create incentives to ride, walk, or take the bus, create safe roadways, and provide affordable equipment, I believe we can get more people riding their bikes, walking on the bike paths, or riding the buses. We can keep those Colorado blue skies blue.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Absolutely. If we can find the money, I’m in support.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Yes, I have discussed this idea often with my fellow legislators, and I know it is a small step in making non-motorized transportation more attractive. I will support anything that contributes to roadway safety.




Candidate Marilyn Harris

Did not respond.

House District 60 – Chaffee, Custer, Fremont and Park Counties

Candidate Lori Boydston

Did not respond.




Candidate Ron Hanks

Did not respond.

House District 61 – Delta, Gunnison, Lake, Pitkin and Summit Counties

Representative Julie McCluskie

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?

Family biking, Road, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?

For those of us who ride on the road, having an unfortunate encounter with another vehicle is always present in the back of our minds. I would support automated enforcement if it is shown to result in meaningful decreases in traffic crashes as it relates to bicycles. Further, I echo the fact that automated enforcement can be a valuable tool in protecting everyone who uses Colorado’s roads without introducing bias into the equation.

Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

Distracted driving is a major issue that is affecting more road users (especially cyclists) as our lives become more connected. I think it is important that new infrastructure projects encourage attentive behavior. A 2017 study in Accident Analysis & Prevention showed that how distracted drivers regulate their speed is largely determined by their driving environment. In a complex environment, distracted drivers are more likely to pay attention to speed, and even put down their devices. Based on this, designing infrastructure projects around proven techniques to reduce distracted driving is important in our modern and connected world.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Absolutely. Climate change is top-of-mind for me and many Coloradans who enjoy the great outdoors. Further, Denver remains one of America’s most polluted cities due to its unique geography. Reducing driving, especially for short trips is essential for Colorado’s climate.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

Right now, finding money for any project is difficult. I absolutely support projects like adding bike lanes to roads, ensuring adequate walkways, and I remain committed to encouraging and supporting green transit options. Bike lanes, for example, can be a cost effective way to provide space for cyclists. Further, narrowing driving lanes (or removing passing lanes) and adding bike lanes has been shown to slow drivers down, while maintaining overall average speed, thus slowing down distracted drivers. I will do what I can to encourage infrastructure projects for all types of green transit.

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

Prior to SB18-144, which allows communities to implement safety stops, my home county of Summit was already allowing them. To me, it is an effective way to keep cyclists moving and out of the way of other traffic and communities like Summit have shown that the safety stop is effective. I would support the statewide implementation of the Colorado Safety Stop.




Candidate Kim McGahey

Did not respond.

House District 62 – Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Huerfano, Mineral, Pueblo, Rio Grande and Saguache Counties

Representative Donald Valdez

Did not respond.




Candidate Logan Taggart

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a month

What kind of biking do you do?

Gravel, Mountain

Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I support efforts to reduce distracted driving. Traffic deaths are personal to me and I am in favor of expanding funding for safe infrastructure projects.

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 63 – Weld County

Candidate Gen Schneider

Did not respond.




Candidate Dan Woog

Did not respond.

House District 64 – Baca, Bent, Crowley, Elbert, Kiowa, Las Animas, Lincoln, Prowers and Washington Counties

Representative Richard Holtorf

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a year

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I am strongly against distracted driving. Revenue from these infractions should be used as the Colorado Department of Revenue sees necessary to support safe transportation for the public

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?

Public transportation is a good idea across Colorado where it is practical and feasible. Less vehicle miles traveled equals less pollution and is good for the environment.

Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?

This is the wrong time to be putting more fees on the public who is still reeling from the financial devastation due to the impacts of COVID 19 on the economy and the general. public

Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?

No ……; because one size does not fit all across Colorado. I am a rural legislator and what is needed in the urban corridor is often not the right answer in the rural parts of this state.,




Candidate Dean Ormiston

On average, how often do you ride a bike, walk, or take transit for transportation or recreation?

Once a week

What kind of biking do you do?


Do you support expanding automated enforcement on Colorado roadways?


Where do you stand on reducing distracted driving and cell phone use behind the wheel through proactive funding for safe infrastructure projects?

I’m in favor of addressing these issues

Do you commit to supporting policies that increase opportunities for Coloradans to bike, walk, and take transit and those with the purpose of reducing vehicle miles traveled?


Will you support increased funding for infrastructure for walking, biking, and transit?


Do you support statewide adoption of the Colorado Safety Stop?


House District 65 – Cheyenne, Kit Carson, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick and Yuma Counties

Representative Rodney Pelton

Did not respond.

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About the Author: Bicycle Colorado

Bicycle Colorado is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Denver. We use advocacy, education and passion to make Colorado one of the most bicycle-friendly states in the nation. We encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions and provide a voice for people who ride bicycles in Colorado. With the support of our members and numerous partnerships across the public and private sector, we’ve made significant strides in improving bicycling since 1992.


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  • Bicycle Colorado has been proud to offer a variety of bike clinics this season to give riders new skills and confidence. Thanks to Nicole from the Amy D. Foundation for leading the Women’s Gravel Clinic.
  • After multiple attempts since 2018, on the final day of the session, the Colorado Legislature passed SB24-065, also known as the distracted driving bill.
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