7 tips for goal setting and why you should consider riding the Triple Bypass
We’re pleased Sue Meinerz , proud supporter of Bicycle Colorado, shared her story with us and hope you enjoy.

Susan Meinerz is the only rider to have ridden every Triple Bypass. She is a Cat 3 racer, USAC Level 2 Coach, CPA, and mother.
What does the cycling community mean to you?
My community started with Team Evergreen in 1989. A small group of us posted, “Does anyone want to do a century ride?” in the local newspaper. That first ride started at Berthoud Pass; it truly inspired us!
Our small group got into riding just as organized rides began to take off in Colorado. The first year of the Triple Bypass, we had 100 riders, only three of which were women. Today, the Triple is a more diverse group of over 4,500 people over two days. It’s incredible to see what a grassroots community effort can become.
How do you ride?
What I do now is racing, but what I do and how I approach it can apply to all Bicycle Colorado members and readers. Riding with friends, commuting to work or staying in shape – once you figure out what you want to do, make goals around that.
What are your tips and tricks for goal setting?
- You can be a bicyclist! You can ride at any age with any speed. That is the nicest thing about riding a bike. It’s crazy we have people 85 years old who are rocking it! If you can’t ride outdoors, hook up an indoor trainer to the internet and do some spectacular indoor training rides.
- Your goals for riding your bike are yours. As a unique individual, compare your goals and performance to yourself, not so-and-so from your club or work.
- Read. Books are great resources to help you make those goals. What type of cycling and bikes interest you? What techniques can you use to set goals and succeed?
- Once you’ve set your goal, then the hard work begins! Find like-minded friends and groups. Team Evergreen has been an incredible resource for me, particularly the women-only group. Teammates send out text announcements when they are riding, we ride safe and fun routes, and the camaraderie of the group and my new friends help me reach my goals and full potential. Accountability is one of the most important aspects of being successful, and Team Evergreen is an excellent resource.
Note from Erica: If you are interested in connecting with ladies in your area via social media, join the Facebook group, Women Bike Colorado, to connect, share and inspire!
- Train for confidence. Match your training and goal-setting with your skills.
- Scheduling is key. If you are a mother or father, raising your child is the first priority. Even so, as a mother I made the goal of riding every day. To keep the goal, I occasionally need to make up work by staying late or not taking lunch. I encourage you, Bicycle Colorado blog readers, to set a plan and make it priority just like the other appointments you make. People think “I can’t because…,” and they list the reasons. Everybody has a reason not to put in the work. You can build it in. Take a two-hour lunch to get your miles in. Welcome breaks in the day. Plan alternative and active work and school commuting. If you don’t have a flexible work schedule, use your weekend to its full potential.
- Find your joyride. Enjoy the journey to reaching your goals and evolve with them.
Why do you ride with Team Evergreen?
In the history of Team Evergreen, we have donated over $2 million dollars to the non-profits in the Evergreen community and beyond, including Bicycle Colorado. We support organizations that work to get better infrastructure in place to keep cyclists safe on the road and trail. For example, we have contributed to the bike path between Genesee and El Rancho (keeping cyclists off I-70) as well as the extension of the mountain bike trail at South Dakota Ridge. If you are interested in reading more about the millions of dollars Team Evergreen has donated and to which organizations, you can click here.

Why do you ride the Triple Bypass?
Favorite part:
One of my favorite parts is the last 15 miles when you come to the finish line riding through Vail. Police stop traffic in the roundabouts which is fun because you don’t get that opportunity on your own to have priority on the road over cars.
When you get to the finish you see the families waiting for the moms, dads or relatives coming in. The spectators love the mountain scenery and the experience of watching the riders. The happiness on their faces when their athletes come in is contagious.
Many participants are out-of-state, and a few come from other countries. It’s so cool to be in Florida and see someone wearing a Triple Bypass jersey.
The draw:
First of all, the scenery is spectacular.
One of the best parts about this ride is the strong support from beginning to end. They bring your luggage to the end. Aid stations are staffed well, and we have full, delicious lunches. The best support of all is the decadent meal waiting at the end.
They keep it fresh! The Triple brought on a younger staff, and they are making changes and adjustments each year to keep it consistent yet exciting. We are all excited for 2017 as we have a new ride director, Nat Ross. Next year in 2018 it will be extra special as we celebrate the 30th ride anniversary; we’ll have a big finish line celebration. When I finish the Triple each year, I feel like I’ve accomplished something.

You should do the Triple!
It’s not too late to decide to do it this year. Team Evergreen has weekly training rides and links for training plans.
Not that you would plan on dropping out, but the ride has excellent sag support for you if you don’t make it. Then, you’re experienced and can come back to finish next year.
Many people who do the ride each year are first time riders, and this one is a difficult but very achievable (and gorgeous!) first ride. Listen to your body, and you’ll make it. There are so many rides you could do, but after this one you’ll feel you’ve truly accomplished something.
Read more:
Team Evergreen road training rides
Team Evergreen recommended mountain bike rides
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Tammy Duckwall -
I’m coming for the ride and experience. I’ll be solo and looking forward to seeing and meeting new people! I am training and can’t wait to cross the finish! Thank you for the tips.
Erica Hine -
Great, Tammy! On behalf of Sue and I, you’re very welcome for the tips 🙂 Enjoy the ride.
Hi Erica, Thank you for the info and encouragement for first time riders. I live in Florida and am anticipating cycling the Single Bypass in 2020. Would you recommend any links to help me achieve this goal? I ride about 80 – 100 miles on a carbon Trek , (I work Monday-Friday full time.) Eager for your suggestions and direction for me to go in as I anticipate crossing the finish line in 2020!
Erica Hine -
Hi Lisa, way to go on setting 2020 goals! You’re ahead of most of us. I recommend checking out https://triplebypass.org/training/ where you’ll find training plans, nutrition and equipment tips, and more for the Triple or Single Bypass.