2016 Colorado Bicycle Summit registration now open
Registration is now open for the 2016 Colorado Bicycle Summit—Moving Forward Together. Monday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 9 in downtown Denver.
Event Details and Registration
This two-day program is geared to educate and empower attendees, identify common bicycling issues and solutions in our communities, demonstrate the power of a unified voice to the state legislature and set priorities for improving the future of bicycling in Colorado.
Keynote Speaker: Mikael Colville-Andersen
From Copenhagen to Colorado! We are excited to announce Mikael Colville-Andersen will be joining us as our keynote speaker. A leading global voice in urban planning, Colville-Andersen regards the bicycle as the most important tool in the transportation toolbox to rebuild livable cities and communities.
His firm, Copenhagenize Design Company, has brought expertise to cities and governments across Europe and the U.S., coaching them on ways to become more bicycle friendly.
Plenary Presenter: Shailen Bhatt
We are also excited to announce Shailen Bhatt as our plenary presenter. Bhatt has been the executive director of the Colorado Department of Transportation since January. Before he came to Colorado, during his tenure at the Delaware Department of Transportation, the state gained national attention for rising to #4 from #18 in the bicycle-friendly state rankings.
You won’t want to miss the 6th annual summit! We expect to sell out again in 2016, so take advantage of early bird registration rates through January 1.
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